I'm Upgrade by Selling Moe [Interstellar] Chapter 3: The world's first cute

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Ji Wuxiu "..."

A cool breeze blew the panda cub's hair messy, rather pitiful.

The system was silent for a long time, and comforted: [This is an accident, so the host should not be discouraged. 】

The black and white creature trembled, and his lifeless face was full of grief and anger, "Why is this happening."

The system is still conscientious and conscientious to comfort the host: [It is the lightning leopard with an abnormal aesthetic, other creatures are not like this, rest assured the host. 】

The systematic vows energized Ji Wuxiu, stood up slowly, and patted the paw prints of the leopard on the white fur.

At this moment, the ten-second spicy eye buff has not passed, the black panther is still screaming and rolling, and the leopard's claws are stretched out because of the struggle, and the pink pads are exposed, giving it a powerful and cold image. Nothing at all.

Such a cold black panther, who said he was crazy, would be crazy.

Mr. Panda's furry face was lifeless, and his jet-black eyeballs watched the black panther's one-man show, which was a relief of hatred.

I actually dislike my ugliness, and don't look at how ugly you are!

This leopard is simply too much, not only despising his own achievements, but also insulting his own body's natural cuteness.

Think about the first time he himself came out to sell cute, although the skills are unfamiliar and the business is not proficient, but it is also forgivable.

But this leopard feels ugly...


Ugly to spicy eyes.

It's unbearable!

Ji Wuxiu’s eyes instantly lit up a blazing fire, and his body shook his soft and fluffy hair. The tiger's body shook, like a sumo wrestler stomping his feet. The Wei Meng majestic body suddenly rushed to the black panther and raised his paw Going up is a bear pat.

—Kill you ugly!

Ji Wuxiu's two claws alternated with a hot wheel, directly hitting the Panther more miserably.

"Wow—" The Black Panther roared angrily after being beaten, his ears folded into airplane ears, grinning at Ji Wuxiu, pouting his hips and making a shocking sound, his pupils were full of anger towards Ji Wuxiu.

Are you afraid of dissatisfaction?

Ji Wuxiu was standing, his chubby belly looked more conspicuous, and he shook his plump bear's paw to show how mighty his fist was!

See how domineering I am!

Mr. Black Panther was taken aback and refused to admit defeat. He also lifted his paws and shook his paws like Ji Wuxiu, and the matte mat was instantly revealed.

There was silence.

Ji Wuxiu sneered silently, because his bear paw was bigger than that of the leopard!

The more I thought about it, Ji Wuxiu's smiling plump body trembled, and even slapped his thigh with bear claws. The eyeballs that were originally covered with dark circles looked even more...inconspicuous at the moment.

The black panther roared angrily, and the sharp nails suddenly appeared when he brushed it, and his eyes were full of stubbornness.

Even though the language is not clear, Ji Wuxiu still understands the meaning of the black panther. His hairy face seems to show a simple and honest smile, and then his sharp nails suddenly appear.

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