Chapter 9

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I’m Upgrade by Selling Moe [Interstellar] Chapter 9: Selling giant pandas to make a fortune
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Weird, weird.

When I usually don't want to see a black panther, it will appear every day and it is almost lingering.

But when I needed to see the panther, why couldn't I find it.

Ji Wuxiu sniffed the air and prepared to use his keen sense of smell to find the leopard's traces, but after trying for a long time, to no avail, he could only give up.

Where can the leopard go?

Ji Wuxiu went around and searched all the places where he had encountered leopards before, even including those hidden grasses, but still didn't find anything.

Did you leave here?

Ji Wuxiu thought with a weird expression.

Could it be that he oppressed the leopard too much, causing it to become discouraged and go away to occupy new territory?

Ji Wuxiu could not find the Panthers, so he could only choose to leave without saying goodbye, and chose a place to go forward based on his instinct. When stepping into a new place, Ji Wuxiu looked around frequently, with a vigilant expression, because of him. I was still a little nervous inside, after all, it was a place I had never set foot in.

Only after leaving for a while, he vaguely heard a faint scream.


Ruoyouruowu's voice seemed to be coming from the right direction. Ji Wuxiu listened for a while, and his lifeless panda face suddenly became serious.

He felt that the howling sound resembled that of a black panther.

More importantly, the black panther's voice sounded with great pain and fear, which gave Ji Wuxiu a bad premonition in his heart.

Could it be... the black leopard was injured?

Ji Wuxiu ran quickly, and the shadows in the distance seemed to be like a human figure. He quickly slowed down and crawled forward. Finally, he used the bushes to cover his figure and watched carefully.

"Brother, this leopard looks like he is about to awaken. I didn't expect that the method of deliberately torturing him would be so effective."

"If you really awaken and become a mutant beast, then we can earn it."

The unfamiliar voice seemed to have malicious greed, which instantly made Ji Wuxiu vigilant. He saw the scene not far away through the gaps of the dense bushes.

On the messy and ruined lawn, several humans in smart uniforms are attacking the black panther.

The most important thing is that human beings hold luminous weapons in their hands, and with just a light stroke, the lawn on the ground is burned to black, with a black mark.

The black panther looked horrible at the moment, it could almost be said to be skinny, but because its fur was black, no blood was visible.

But Ji Wuxiu could smell the strong smell of blood in the air.


The leopard is obviously already in a deep trap, but still resists stubbornly. His pupils are filled with a strong desire to survive and full of panic. The neck that used to be proud and always straight is now tightly shrunk, and it keeps retreating while resisting. The pupil gradually poured out of puzzlement.

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