chapter 33

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I’m Upgrade by Selling Moe [Interstellar] Chapter 33: Earn 250 selling cute value [one more]
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Since entering the garden, Ji Wuxiu has begun to relax. The garden has a pleasant and beautiful environment. There are many birds resting or having fun by the lake.

After seeing the birds, Silver Wolf stared at them without blinking, and licked the corners of his mouth.

Ji Wuxiu wandered around nearby. While relaxing, he became familiar with the surrounding environment and routes. After walking for a few minutes, he couldn't help but roll on the grass covered with thick withered leaves. Finally, it became a big font.

Even though he was in a happy mood, his whole panda looked stupid and cute because of the dark circles under his eyes with the "sorrow" attribute.

The shade of the tree above his head was shaded, and the cool and refreshing wind blew the hair. Ji Wuxiu couldn't help sighing, enjoying the tranquility of this moment.

Recalling from the journey to the present, he has been rushing for survival, wandering among the human beings and trying to be cute, but now he can do nothing, don't need to think, just quietly close his eyes and rest.

At this time, the Silver Wolf was holding the very plump bird in its mouth, using a keen sense of smell to track the location of the ugly thing. It slowed down and walked without making any sound.

The silver wolf slammed the prey in its mouth aside, screaming grimly: "Woo."

—Ugly, are you stupid!

Ji Wuxiu was frightened and bounced by the sudden cry of the wolf. Mao burst into a circle and suddenly complained: "Ah!"

—Be sure to tell me next time you show up.

Otherwise, if he keeps on like this, even if he doesn't have a heart attack, he might be frightened to get sick.

Faced with the accusation of ugly things, Silver Wolf felt very heavy. Its vertical pupils were full of worries about a cub, and even understood how helpless A-niang was when facing such a mischievous self.

How can this ugly thing survive in the future?

It's fat and ugly, and it has no fighting power. There must be no mother beasts like it.

Although the mother of Silver Wolf thought that way back then.

Silver Wolf slowly shook his head, and sighed in humane relief. Fortunately, it caught the prey ahead of time, otherwise there would be no food for the ugly things to eat today.

"Wow." Silver Wolf pushed the prey over, and the tyrannical and gloomy eyes suddenly softened at this moment. Looking at Ji Wuxiu's eyes, it was like looking at the small and weak cub.

Ji Wuxiu shook his head quickly because of his own speculation.

-I will not eat.

Yin Lang's eyes suddenly sharpened, like a knife staring at Ji Wuxiu, his teeth cruelly said: "Oh, oh."

-If you don't eat, you will starve to death. Those humans will not give us food.

It knew from the beginning that the human being was not a good thing, and it brought it and the ugly thing to lock it up. It seems to be free but in fact it is still a cage.

Worry flashed through Yinlang's eyes.

Ugly things must not even be able to hunt.

It must go to the lake to catch more birds and feed the ugly things.

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