chapter 34

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Home » I’m Upgrade by Selling Moe [Interstellar] IUSM » Chapter 34: I'll eat it all for you [two more]
I’m Upgrade by Selling Moe [Interstellar] Chapter 34: I'll eat it all for you [two more]
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Ji Wusha had no expression on his face, there was no fluctuation in his heart, and he even wanted to growl a little bit.

Because the barrel was filled with a lot of processed raw meat, and some blood was deliberately drenched on it, which seemed to make the mutant beast feel more delicious.

But for Ji Wuxiu, this meat looks even more reticent.

Who on earth stipulated that mutant beasts like to eat raw meat?

If mutant beasts can eat cooked food, they will definitely fall in love with these delicacies.


Zhao Libing looked at Silver Wolf with a complex expression, but he still couldn't calm down for a long time.

The Silver Wolf was not interested in this human being, and it roared at Ji Wuxiu a few times, urging it to follow itself quickly and stay away from this dangerous human being.

Ji Wuxiu got up and returned the bucket to Zhao Libing.

Zhao Libing subconsciously shouted: "Wait."

Ji Wuxiu silently raised his head with a puzzled expression on his face.

Zhao Libing knew that mutant beasts were very smart. Even though they could not understand human language, at least they could perceive human good and evil.

It's like this mutant beast in front of me, it looks very gentle and honest, presumably its personality should be very good.

Zhao Libing tried to take out a piece of meat and put it in front of the black and white fur ball.

In this regard, Ji Wuxiu decisively avoided this piece of meat.

So Zhao Libing turned his eyes to the silver wolf and pushed the barrel over.

Silver Wolf looked on coldly, indifferent.

It just starves to death.

Die here, jump from here.

He will never eat anything from human beings.

Zhao Libing was a little helpless, but he couldn't see any disappointment on the face. On the contrary, he had long realized that these two mutant beasts...will not eat at all.

Because mutant beasts are always vigilant towards humans, they will not accept food from humans.

In desperation, Zhao Libing carried the bucket back, preparing to drive all the birds in the lake to another place, so as not to be harmed by the two mutant beasts.

In addition, there is no food source here, and the two mutant beasts may only choose to compromise.

But the facts proved that Zhao Libing was too naive, and also underestimated the two mutant beasts.

After driving the birds to another place, Zhao Libing began to work non-stop. After all the flowers were fertilized and watered, he quickly turned on the optical brain to search the video images of various corners, looking for the traces of the two mutant beasts.

Soon, Zhao Libing found the two mutant beasts in the A4 area.

In the next scene, Zhao Libing's expression was completely stiff and the corners of his mouth were drawn.


In one day, Ji Wuxiu explored the surrounding places, most of which are flowers and vegetation, and there are few fruit trees and the like.

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