I'm Upgrade by Selling Moe [Interstellar] Chapter 4: On the first day of the ali

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Ji Wuxiu carefully recalled the various cute behaviors of panda videos, but for a long time, he could only think of the panda lying on the branches of the tree looking stupidly and looking into the distance, and the little worries seemed to be pretending to be infinite.

Or leaning on the stone and gnawing on the bamboo intently, the appearance of the little feet shaking constantly. Every action is completely natural, there is no need to deliberately sell cute.

Ji Wuxiu couldn't start immediately, scratching his head anxiously.

The system seemed to be unable to see it, and prompted: [ding! It is recommended that the host cut it to death with cute little eyes! 】

Ji Wuxiu's eyes lit up, and Xiong's paw began to rub his eyes, until he felt that his eyes were watery, then he lowered his paw and made a wow sound to attract the sika deer.

The sika deer backed away in fright: "..."

After a while of silence, the system's dry voice sounded: [ding! You are ineffective in selling cuteness, the creature's IQ is too low, and the aesthetic of cuteness is not in your mind. 】

Ji Wuxiu was taken aback for a moment, then slapped the ground frantically, and let out an angry roar, "Then you let me be cute!"

The system stopped talking and began to play dead.

The sika deer was taken aback by Ji Wuxiu's rage, and because of his timid nature, he immediately jumped to the distance and fled, and was nowhere to be seen.

The wind swirled around the leaves and fell.

Ji Wuxiu's mood at this moment is like this leaf, full of vicissitudes of life and sadness.

What is going on in this world?

Why does the image of pandas who sell cute with their strength have been repeatedly frustrated here, and repeatedly failed to sell cute.

For Ji Wuxiu, who is doing his business and loving his business, this is undoubtedly the most bleak low period in his career.

So tired, I don't want to be cute anymore.

Ji Wuxiu pulled out the grass on the side like venting his anger and put it in his mouth for a while to chew. The smell of the grass permeated his mouth, making Ji Wuxiu's mood much better.

Forget it, I won't be cute anymore!

At this time, the system has been silent, for fear that Ji Wuxiu will be unhappy.

At this moment, Ji Wuxiu put his arms on top of each other, lying in the position of Ge You lying down, still chewing grass carelessly in his mouth, his furry face was as lifeless as ever, full of stupid and cute aura.

Ji Wuxiu's mouth moved regularly and quickly ate up most of the grass.

The sun soon set down the mountain, and the forest that was originally covered with golden afterglow gradually changed from romantic atmosphere to gloom.

Looking at Ji Wuxiu, he was a little hairy, rubbed the upright fluff, and got up all the time, slightly worried and said to the system: "System, it's dark."

The system that pretended to be dead suddenly went online in seconds: [ding! It is recommended that the host find a safe hiding place as soon as possible to spend this dangerous forest night. 】

Ji Wuxiu was silent, his stupid expression showing a trace of dissatisfaction, "As a system, don't you have any benefits?"

Even if he wears this animal skin, he is still a human being fearful of the forest night.

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