chapter 76-80

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Home » I’m Upgrade by Selling Moe [Interstellar] IUSM » Chapter 76: Start live broadcast [first update]
I’m Upgrade by Selling Moe [Interstellar] Chapter 76: Start live broadcast [first update]
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Otis ordered people to make a lot of hearty dishes, and each dish was packed in large pots, so as not to eat these mutant beasts with great appetite.

A group of furry each occupying a pot in an orderly manner, never you vie for me, they start to gobble up the pot with their paws, and from time to time they let out a low growl of satisfaction.

Only the snake was holding the person slowly, spitting out the letter and waiting for the feed.

The man hesitated: "..."

The mutant snake thought that this person did not understand what he meant, so he pointed at the dish with the tip of his tail, and finally opened his big mouth and pointed at himself, holding his head up, curled his wrist with the tip of his tail and shook it.

It seems to be acting like a baby.

A group of people: "..."

Even cold-blooded animals will be cute these days.

The person suddenly realized that, and immediately began to hold the food with chopsticks, and carefully fed it into the mutant snake's mouth, for fear that his carelessness would hurt the mutant snake.

The mutant snake was very satisfied and turned himself into a mosquito coil.

As for the little civet cat, it has long been holding the basin, and meowing non-stop, which makes people can't help but laugh.

And the mutant beast with the most outstanding face and explosive combat power was sitting there, but the seemingly clumsy bear paw flexibly held the big bones, crunching and swallowing it into his stomach.


But he also had an innocent and harmless expression on his face.

This strong contrast made everyone shudder, and they couldn't help but think of the picture of it tearing the mutant bug.

It was brutal and inhumane.

No one dare to touch it no matter how cute it is.

But Otis did not have the slightest fear. Instead, he removed the bone scum sticking to the pet's mouth and asked: "Eat slowly, no one will grab you."

Ji Wuxiu paused and continued to eat silently.

The military doctor watched this extraordinarily warm scene with a smile, but a bold idea emerged in his mind.

"Marshal, I want to make a live broadcast so that everyone can see up close what the real mutant beast is like." The military doctor's tone was full of cautious temptation.

Obviously he is not sure whether Otis will agree.

Unexpectedly, however, Otis agreed without thinking too much.

"You have a good idea. Except for some key areas that cannot be filmed, your live broadcast range can be expanded to the entire estate." Otis replied after hesitating for a while.

The military doctor was pleasantly surprised. To be honest, he didn't expect Otis to actually agree. After all, no big man would be reluctant to broadcast his private residence live.

But obviously, Otis is an exception.

The military doctor’s own optical brain applied for live broadcast. Nowadays, live broadcast has almost become a national event. However, because of the variety of live broadcast options, most of the live broadcast traffic is so bleak that hardly anyone watched it.

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