chapter 36

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I’m Upgrade by Selling Moe [Interstellar] Chapter 36: Good impression begins (second more)
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Zhao Libing suddenly looked complicated, staring at the arrogant and fierce Silver Wolf on the screen, his tongue was happily sticking out, very rippling.

But ten minutes passed...

The silver wolf in the camera is still sucking the rabbit and can hardly extricate himself from it. It has already begun to roll all over the floor, and can't wait to raise its head and yell at the moon.

Zhao Libing's mood became more and more complicated.

Half an hour passed...

The silver wolf in the camera has begun to enter the crazy twisting mode, and the green eyes are especially permeating.

Zhao Libing's heart became more and more strange. With Silver Wolf's performance just now, he absolutely liked the braised rabbit meat.

But half an hour later, Silver Wolf still didn't eat a bite, but kept sucking rabbit meat, his face rippling.

This gave him a bad feeling.

Could it be that……

A faint thought came up, and Zhao Libing suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

This wolf is the most special and vigilant mutant beast he has ever seen.

Even the way it turned its belly happily just now...

Zhao Libing, who was still smiling, was taken aback suddenly, his smile gradually became complicated and unbelievable.

The female wolf that she encountered more than ten years ago came to mind involuntarily.

That is a very powerful mutant beast, her ability can instantly freeze a hundred meters, any creature standing within this one hundred meters, even an ant, will instantly freeze into a frozen lump and be cut off from vitality.

Obviously possessing such a terrifying ability, it never uses this ability to wantonly take any innocent lives.

On the contrary, it is very kind, with a pair of azure blue ice eyes, which contains tolerance and curiosity about this world.

Zhao Libing still remembers that she wolf has a beautiful fur, pure white to no trace of impurities.

Stepping in the snow almost blends with this world.

That year, Zhao Libing, who was only a 17-year-old boy, went up the mountain to hunt animals, but encountered a sudden avalanche.

The overwhelming snow came surging, with nature full of malice, as if to completely annihilate him in this world without leaving a trace.

Zhao Libing desperately ran forward with his legs, and his two legs even gradually suffered tearing pain because of the fast running.

His breathing was so rapid that he was almost deprived of oxygen, and his alveoli screamed violently every time.

Even so, Zhao Libing still tried hard to run forward, he didn't even dare to look back, for fear of being crushed by the final desire to survive, and then...die here.

But there is snow almost everywhere here, there is no place to hide, and he can feel that he is getting closer and closer to the avalanche...

He desperately told himself not to look back, because once he saw it he would instantly lose his ability to act.

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