chapter 25

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I’m Upgrade by Selling Moe [Interstellar] Chapter 25: Panda
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Ji Wuxiu felt heavy, even a little bit annoyed.

If he had reacted more quickly, maybe it wouldn't be the case.

The few people who were walking tried hard to close their smiles, and gathered around to tie it up with professional hunting tools to prevent it from running away.

Last time they were too careless, they thought that this creature was harmless, but who knew that under the appearance of stupid and cute skin, the soul of the mutant beast was hidden.

Seeing that those people were coming, Ji Wuxiu hurriedly got up and ran forward.

However, the vines on the ground immediately entangled his ankles, Ji Wuxiu struggled desperately, but there was no use for eggs.

He sat down annoyed and tried to start tearing the vines. From time to time, he raised his head and glanced at the people who came by, feeling more anxious in his heart.

How could this vine be so strong, it kept tearing no matter how it was made.

The system also knew that Ji Wuxiu was in a crisis at the moment, and immediately prompted: [Ding! Host, you have now reached the 100 points requirement. Will you be promoted to a level one? 】

Ji Wuxiu was taken aback and said without hesitation: "Yes, I choose to upgrade."

【Ding! You have successfully been promoted to the first-level selling cute creature. 】

Ji Wuxiu: "..."

Is this over?

The upgrade scene is so unremarkable?

The system was silent for a while, saying: [This system is different from other coquettish products. It only focuses on selling cuteness and never focuses on gorgeous and unpractical upgrade special effects. 】

Ji Wuxiu didn't want to complain about the system, because those people were getting closer and closer, and he pulled the vine again, like noodles, easily torn by him.

Ji Wuxiu couldn't help being surprised. Obviously just before, the vine was so strong that it could not be torn apart, but now it has become so easy...

Immediately afterwards, Ji Wuxiu, who was free, immediately got up and ran forward.

The wood supernatural person who saw all this in his eyes couldn't help but be surprised: "Hey, how could this happen."

He remembered that this creature was so weak that it couldn't even destroy the vines before, but now it's...

"Let's catch up quickly." The man with a cold temperament interrupted.

Although they were puzzled, they nodded and hurried to catch up.

There are many obstacles in the jungle, and Ji Wuxiu deliberately ran to the harder place every time. The sharp branches and thorns were resisted by his thick fur, and he did not suffer any harm.

Although it may be a little uncomfortable.

Because his hair was shaved so messy, he looked particularly embarrassed, pitiful and helpless.

But compared to Ji Wuxiu, the group of people behind him was even more pitiful and helpless.

At first, apart from their facial expressions, the few people were a little tired, but they were neatly dressed, and they could even tell that the material was different from other hunters.

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