Prologue | 0-2

912 27 2

When (Name) woke up the next morning, he forgot what had occurred the night prior. He sat up and looked at the clock. It was around 5 am. He should get ready for work.

 He stood and looked around, wondering where he was. Did he get drunk and is now in some random person's house? One night stand? He surveyed the room again and suddenly remembered what happened yesterday.

 Right, he's at a school with Dazai. He noticed a bag by the door. He went over to it and opened it, seeing his hat, wallet, phone, but no pack of cigarettes. Wasn't that always on his person? Oh, they might've confiscated it. Fuck the person who did this.

 (Name) took his belongings, placed them on the nightstand aside from his phone, and tried calling Mori. There was no signal. He tried again, going through his other contacts, but the same results kept coming up. He sighed and placed the phone down.

 He should probably get ready and explore the grounds so he gets a good idea of where everything is. He went to the closet, put on the uniform, and went to the bathroom. Once finished with his routine, he left to the lounge and saw a few students. It was still a little early, so he left the dorm and found his way to the main grounds using his memory of the areas.

 Under a tree, (Name) spotted Dazai tying a rope to a branch and trying to hang himself. (Name) walked over, floated a little, and smacked Dazai's head from behind. The victim stopped and turned to (Name), whining.

 "(Naaammeee)! Why'd you do that? I was in the middle of something!" Dazai rubbed the back of his head.

 (Name) rolled his eyes, "We're in the middle of a school, you'll traumatize the students. Some of them are already frightened." (Name) gestured to two students on a bench, both had wide eyes.

 Dazai pouted and mumbled, "Can never do anything fun."

 (Name) looked around mindlessly. "Are you familiar with the area already? I want to get something to eat."

 The man shrugged and gathered his rope, stuffing it wherever on his person. (Name) took note of Dazai's appearance. He was wearing the uniform pants, the shirt and vest, and a coat similar to his usual beige one, but was actually the school's. However he managed to find a coat like that and pull it off, (Name) doesn't know.

 (Name) realized that he's been noting down Dazai's appearance every time they come across each other since arriving here. How odd. Why the sudden change? Ew.

 The two began walking around, searching for the cafeteria. It's already around the time that students enter the main campus. How long had they been talking? Time's moving quite fast.

 During their little adventure, someone with a blue color scheme zoomed past them. (Name) stopped, seeing them fade away. Don't see that everyday. Dazai glanced back, but continued walking. (Name) shook his head and resumed his path to find some food.

 "Ugh, this is taking a while. Why isn't the place more obvious?" (Name) sighed. He looked at Dazai after a few seconds of him not responding. He was just humming some random song, muttering out some of the lyrics. (Name)'s deadpanned and mumbled under his breath, "Bitch."

 They eventually arrived at the cafeteria, Dazai waited at the entrance as (Name) grabbed a snack. After, they walked around again, and when (Name) was going to take his last bite, Dazai smacked it out of his hand. It fell out of the plastic with crumbs flying out.

 "What the fuck!?" (Name) looked at Dazai with wide eyes, then at his fallen supply of energy, and back at the bandaged man. Dazai shrugged his shoulders with a smirk plastered on his face. Before (Name) could curse him more, a fire ball rushed past them. They turned to where it came from and saw the same cat and magicless person, along with a student with ginger hair. The cat was firing at the student, who waved a pen, redirecting the fire away from him.

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