Birthday Boy (Name)

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Beginning Note: I realized I didn't write anything for Yuu in that White Day Special, so here he is. And a happy birthday to our doggy executive. Story's kinda proofread, it may contain errors.

Heartslabyul had a pretty busy day today. Getting the dorm decorated for a birthday and preparing all the foods necessary for the day. Upon entering the dorm, you'd see a table set with a cake in the middle, balloons and curtains spread around, and a happy birthday sign on the wall.

The birthday boy is (Name), on April 29th. He had been occupied throughout the day, talking with others in the dorm, receiving birthday wishes, and any presents. He appreciated all that was done for him, despite not being a part of this world originally.

Apparently, he was expecting an interview. Simple, just answer questions and have a good time. What he didn't expect was for the interviewer to be Yuu.

After chatting with a dorm member, (Name) was approached by Yuu. Noticing another's presence, he turned as smiled at the man. "Hey, Yuu! How're ya doing?"

Yuu returned the smile as he answered, "I'm doing well. I hope you're also having a good time today?" He held out his hand for a brief shake.

(Name) shook his hand before lightly scratching his neck, "Yeah, 's all been good. I'm not exactly used to this much attention," he chuckled. "But it's nice to know that people care enough to just greet me."

"I'm glad you're happy," Yuu commented. "Anyways, I have to interview you, if you don't mind?"

"No, go on. Ask away."

"Okay, first question. Seeing as you're new to this world, how is it so far? Are you enjoying it and Night Raven College?"

(Name) blinked at him. His mind was blanking a bit and he thought of the first thing to say. "Well, um. Had I ever expected to be transported to a whole new world and meet a bunch of attractive guys? No, but at least I can experience the high school years I never had..." Yuu looked at him weirdly. (Name) closed his eyes, furrowing his brows, and let out a small sigh, "Yes, I'm gay. I found that out the hard way."

The younger of the two awkwardly cleared his throat and asked, "Anything else you want to add to that?"

(Name) reopened his eyes and let out a hum at the question, thinking more clearly. "While it has been chaotic, it's certainly entertaining. I've made nice friends despite how I am." A small frown pulled at his lips. "I know I'm not exactly the easiest to handle, but having you lot willingly spend time with me eases me."

He smiled. "So as of now, I'm enjoying this world." At the end he muttered quietly, "That damn mackerel kinda ruins it, though."

Yuu chuckled looking at the small piece of paper in his hand. "I'm glad you're content with your situation. For the next question, what's your relationship with Dazai?" He looked back up at (Name).

The short man grimaced as his hand rested on his hip. "It's... something. Fucking hate him, but he insists on annoying me to death. I've been stuck with that mackerel for over seven years and I've never had any peace. Ya know what he did to my car when he left? He fucking blew that shit up!"

(Name)'s arms lifted alongside his words to put emphasis. Yuu's eyes widened but before he could ask further, (Name) clicked his tongue. "But unfortunately, I have to place my trust in him because I'm gonna die if something were to happen and he ain't there."

He looked around before leaning in to Yuu, who did the same. (Name) lifted a hand to whisper in his ear. "I have no fucking clue why, but I'm starting to notice Dazai a bit more and I'm getting just a tad used to his presence. I think I'm getting sick or something, this isn't normal!"

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