Prologue | 0 - 5

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Beginning Note: Just wanted to get this out for May. I'll try to finish the prologue in one or two more chapters. I don't wanna get stuck with getting around 1500 words and not actually posting this before June hits for me. Shorter chapter, but it's something.


After Yuu came up with a solid plan, Dazai added some suggestions to improve it and everyone then got into position. Grim nervously turned to Yuu, "Hey, are you sure this plan is really gonna work?"

The addressed man shrugged his shoulders, "I think it'll work, but if not then brace for the worst."

Grim shuddered at his words, but Ace immediately responded, "Hey, that's not gonna help the mood! Let's keep it light and lively, we got this!"

"If Dazai's approved of it, we're certain to succeed," (Name) commented, pulling the attention of the teens and cat. "Believe me, even if the plan sounds like it'll fail, it's the best option and will get us a win."

"Oh, how you flatter me! I never knew compliments can escape your lips!" Dazai held a hand to his chest and closed his eyes. He was sitting on a tree branch and lazily leaning against the trunk. "But all of you don't need to worry about your fates! My plans have never failed, and (Name) can testify!"

"And it includes lazing around, lettin' everyone else do your work?!" (Name) glared up at the bandaged man. He'd like to rant some more, but Grim started calling out for the monster until it emerged from the cave.

"He's coming our way!" The feline began running towards Yuu, who was backing away a bit and calling out the creature, "C'mon, right over here! We need to get him away from the cave!"

The creature groaned as it followed Grim and Yuu. "Thieeef thiiis waaay tooooo... Neeevvva giiive stooones! Neeevvvaaa!"

Once the monster made enough distance, Ace summoned a strong gust of wind that fanned Grim's flame in the creature's direction. When it leaned back to avoid catching on fire, (Name) launched towards it from behind and kicked it, using his ability to amplify the force.

Now that the creature was recovering from the attacks, Deuce moved forward. "Just gotta stay calm and aim carefully..." He took a deep breath and pointed his pen at the creature. "What is the biggest and heaviest thing I can think of?" After a second of contemplating, he shouted out, "I summon thee, cauldron!"

Said object spawned above the monster, enlarged, and pinned it to the ground by falling on it. (Name) jumped onto the cauldron and made it heavier, until it broke the glass bottle head and the ink inside pooled out on the floor.

"Nailed it! That monster got smashed by a cauldron just like Ace did!" Grim cheerfully pumped his fist in the air.

The mentioned teenager clicked his tongue, "Coulda done without the reminder! This has been one drag after another."

Deuce ran into the cave now that the monster was defeated. He looked around and when his eyes landed on a blue stone tinted with red and green, he took it into his hands and exited the cave. Everyone else was observing the fallen creature, but keeping their distance so they didn't touch the spilled ink.

"So, that's it? Just a flame tornado and a heavy cauldron?" Ace raised an eyebrow. "Seems too easy, but as long as it's dead."

Grim jumped onto Yuu's shoulder and exclaimed, "Yeah! We did it! Gimme a victory high five!" He and the teens shared a high five before they dropped their arms.

Yuu sighed in relief, "Well, sharing an enemy sure brings people together, yeah?"

Ace and Deuce looked at him weirdly, the former saying, "Uh, spare us from cliches, alright? No way we did that cause we were friends."

Deuce had a small smile on his face when he stepped closer to Yuu. "Y'know, we wouldn't have managed without your plan and Dazai's input." He glanced at the man who got off the tree branch and now stood beside (Name).

"Please, aside from saying a few words, Dazai didn't do shit. Don't give that much credit," (Name) crossed his arms and closed his eyes. After a few seconds, he muttered, "But I guess he did fix any holes in the plan."

"How kind of you," Dazai commented, but his gaze was focused on the corpse nearby. He walked closer, stopping at the edge of the puddle. Grim jumped off Yuu and padded over to a random tree.

"Usin' all that magic made me hungry. And I'm smellin' something around here." He continued sniffing until he got to a black stone. "Huh? What is this?"

Deuce looked over, coming closer. "It seems to be a part of the monster. But what's it doing all the way here?" Ace also moved to see it.

(Name)'s eyes shifted from the creature and to the boys, back and forth. "Maybe it's cause the weight launched it out? Like when something heavy lands on a part of another thing, it shoots out?"

"It smells amazing, though! Maybe it's some kinda fancy tasting treat? If it tastes as good as it smells..." Grim trailed off, taking the stone into his hands and putting it into his mouth.

"Wait, don't eat that!" Yuu jogged over to Grim, picking him up and looking over him. "Too late."


"You good?" Deuce reached a hand out to the feline.

"That was... amazing!" Grim smiled happily. He got out of Yuu's hands and made his way over to where Dazai was, looking at the ink puddle. "Is there anymore in there?! Its flavor was rich and full-bodied! Like sweet 'n fragrant flowers blooming on my tongue! And a whole field of 'em!"

Dazai raised an eyebrow, looking at Grim. "Well, you must have interesting tastes. Is it poisonous?"

"Of course not!" After an unsuccessful search, Grim sat down on the floor.

"We'll just have to wait and see if Grim gets sick later," Ace placed his hands on his hips.

(Name) glanced at the magestone in Deuce's hand. "We should probably head back and get that stone to the headmaster. At least we can get all this done and over with." He started walking away, everyone else following.


End Note: My school year may have finished, but Imma still take one college class over the summer. From June to July, around 8 weeks. But it'll only be one, so I'm hoping to have more time than usual to work on fics. Again, my Tumblr probably has more frequent posts, if you wanna check that out.

Word Count: ~1000

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