Prologue | 0-3

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 Everyone froze and looked towards the cafeteria entrance. The headmaster was standing there, with his arms crossed.

 "H-Headmaster! Great to see you again...?" Ace's expression became nervous as he sweatdropped.

 Crowley stepped forward, his eyes landing on the big mess. He froze as well.


 (Name) was still in the middle of the destruction. Realizing this, he quickly walked over to the group. "Sincerest apologies, Sir. I know this looks bad, but there's an explanation for all... this...?" Even he sounded unsure of that.

 Crowley looked at (Name), then the chandelier, and back at the group. Did he even have the words for any of this? Yes, actually.

 He took a deep breath, trying to calm down. "Every one of you is expelled. I notice that three of you are the same ones who charred the Queen of Hearts' stature. I gave you a second chance, but you still caused more trouble."

 Ace, Deuce, and Yuu took seconds to process this. Deuce was the first one to speak, "Wait, expelled? Did I hear you wrong? No, I can't get expelled!" He stuttered, "S-surely there's something we can do, right? Uh, we can pay for it! For the repairs!"

 Crowley held a hand to his chin. "Mm.. Well, you can. If you can pay the fees, which will be one billion madol. Since this chandelier was built at the same time the school was, it has a lot of value. And it's also very special due to the materials used. So one billion it is."

 "One billion!?" The three repeated. (Name) was just standing around, barely listening in. Expelled or not, he can just work a job to get food, and he'd have time to focus on trying to find a way back. But the kids, though...

 Deuce panicked, "I can't pay that much, it's a lot!"

 Ace sighed, hunching over, "Well, there's nothing we can do..."

 "But I have to attend this school! What will my mom think if I really did get expelled? And on my first day, too!" Deuce's hands lifted to rest on his head. He looked back at Crowley.

"Headmaster! Is there anything else we can do? I'll do anything, just don't expel me!"

 Crowley hummed in thought. "Well, the chandelier did use magestones, but those are destroyed. Perhaps some can be found in the Dwarf's Mine."

 Deuce perked up, dropping his hands. "R-really? We can go get one and bring it back!"

 "Speak for yourself, Dumbass," Ace muttered under his breath.

 "Oh, but the Dwarf's Mine has been abandoned for so long because it had run out of magestones. So, you'll probably find none." Crowley immediately shut down.

 (Name) remembered about Grim in his arms, so he quickly handed to creature to Yuu, who had probably forgotten him as well due to the situation.

 "We'll look anyways!"

 (Name) sighed, "If the headmaster said that there's none in the mine, why bother?" Deuce turned to him. "You never know, maybe the miners missed one?"

 (Name) shrugged, "True."

 "Alright. I give you permission to go. But you have until next morning to return with a magestone. If you don't, you'll be expelled." Crowley's arms dropped to his sides.

 "Thank you, Headmaster!" Deuce smiled.

 "Then I shall be off. Don't get into anymore trouble! This is your final chance." Crowley walked away, leaving the group to stand and thoroughly process the events that had just occurred.

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