Prologue | 0 - 6

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Beginning Note: I really can't finish these. New chap, slightly longer than the last one, but I'm still not done with the prologue. I didn't want to go too long, and I'm not feeling motivated. Better some than none, though. (Also pretty short, but all my chaps aren't very long)


Once everyone made it back to campus, they all went to the Mirror Chamber to meet up with Crowley. Greetings were all said and the students told him that they had found a magestone, to which the latter blinked in surprise.

"Pardon? You really went to the Dwarf's Mine to search for a magestone?" Crowley tilted his head in shocked curiosity.

"Yes?..." Deuce trailed off. Didn't the headmaster tell them to get a magestone if they didn't want to be expelled? Why is he surprised that they went through the effort?

"I didn't expect that you'd actually do it," the headmaster held a hand to his chin and closed in his eyes. "And never did I think you would return with a magestone!" His voice lowered as he mumbled, "Here I spent all evening preparing your expulsion documents."

Grim's brows furrowed as he stepped closer. "Ya serious?! While we were fightin' some monster, you were expelling us!" The others nodded in agreement.

At Grim's words, Crowley repeated "Monster?". Ace added some more words to defend the cat's statement before the headmage dropped his arms.

"How about we go to my office to discuss about this further?" All the students agreed and as they were walking, Crowley looked at Dazai confusingly. "And who are you? I didn't see you when the chandelier fell."

Dazai raised his brow at his words. "A chandelier fell? That's why they had to look for this stone?" He snickered and looked at (Name), who was glaring at him. "No, I just joined for funsies." He shrugged. "I was bored anyways."

The headmage hummed, "Is that so?... Well, while I don't want to involve more people in this case, I suppose you may come along. I'd want to address all who were a part of this."

Once everyone was inside the office, the students recounted the happenings at the mine. At the end of it all, Crowley looked at them with an expression of curiosity. "So a mysterious monster was in the mines. And all of you worked together to defeat it and brought the magestone back?"

"I wouldn't call it 'working together'." Ace crossed his arms, looking away.

Deuce rested his arm on his hip. "More like we just so happened to share the same goal at the same time."

All of a sudden, Crowley began crying, holding his hands to his face. At the sight, everyone but Dazai grew confused, the latter simply staring in disinterest. (Name) raised a brow and muttered quietly, "This is the guy who's in charge?" Such an embarrassment.

"What's this guy's deal?! Bursting into tears in public and at this age?!" Grim shouted. The other agreed with his words.

As the headmaster was wailing, he was also muttering about students finally working together. How wonderful. Of course, Ace and Deuce continued to deny the fact that they had cooperated. Yuu was just watching this play out, letting everyone else do whatever. Until he's addressed or has a chance to say something, he'll just stand and watch.

Dazai tilted his head and sighed. "Those two really refuse to have anyone think that they worked together. Reminding you of anyone? I can't seem to remember, but I swear I can just see them." He closed his eyes in feign thought.

(Name) grumbled to himself, rolling his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. They're just like us. Stop acting like some sorta grandma reminiscing, you haven't grown out of any phases. You're still the cringe teenager from before, only more goofy and immature."

Once they stopped talking for a second, Crowley's voice pulled them from their conversation temporarily. "My students have all been selected by the Dark Mirror for their exceptional talents and potential. But great talent also makes them self-centered, they refuse to ever think about working with others."

Dazai blinked, leaning down to (Name)'s ear, "Well, I'm glad you've been traumatized enough so you're not like that. I guess we can all thank that you weren't growing stupid despite your lack of education and stereotypical y/n backstory."

"Fuck you," (Name) scowled, keeping his voice low enough so he didn't disrupt the others' conversation. All that was going on, Yuu was getting praised for his efforts, yay.

"Yuu... I am convinced that people like you are necessary for the future of this school. All students who were involved with the chandelier incident, your pending expulsions are revoked. Whereas for Yuu, I will grant you the qualifications needed for attendance at Night Raven College!"

While Ace, Deuce, and Grim let out a sound of shock, Yuu blinked confusedly. "You know I can't use magic, right?" He pointed a finger at himself.

Crowley tilted his head, closed his eyes, and held a hand to his chin. "Yes, of course. Due to your lack of magic, you wouldn't be able to keep up with the curriculum. As for Grim, you have made it clear that you possess the potential to become a mage. Yuu and Grim will enroll as one student."

Grim's eyes widened and he breathed out, "I get to go to this school? As an actual student and not some janitor?!"

"Correct, however! There must not be any incidents in the future that will compare to this one. Are we clear?" The headmaster dropped his arm.

"MYAH! I FINALLY DID IT!" Grim cheered, pumping a fist in the air. Yuu stepped closer to the cat. "Congratulations. I'm happy for you," he smiled.

Crowley cleared his throat, "I also need to give Grim his magestone, something that is issued to every attendee." He put on a collar with a stone on it around Grim's neck. "While they're given in the form of a magic pen, I thought your paws wouldn't be able to hold it, so I got a solution for that. Aren't I gracious?" He held a hand to his chest.

So now, Yuu and Grim are now able to attend Night raven College, and the other students (excluding Dazai) don't have to worry about being expelled. No major incidents are to happen again (they will).

Ace rested his hands behind his head. "Quite the promotion, huh? From janitor to student to a prefect. All in one day, that's impressive."

(Name) pat Yuu's back. "It's definitely an accomplishment." He tilted his head at Ace's words, however. "But what do you mean prefect?"

Deuce answered, "Since their dorm only consists of the two of them and the headmaster put Yuu in charge of Grim, that automatically makes Yuu the dorm prefect."

"That's gotta be a Night Raven first, a magicless prefect? Never thought that'd ever happen," Ace chimed in.

(Name) nodded in understanding, patting Yuu's back once more for a final time. "Multiple accomplishments today. I'm proud, Yuu."

"I'm not sure if I'm exactly cut out for this, but thank you. I'll try my best," Yuu smiled nervously.


End Note: I'm hoping to actually finish the prologue in the next chap, but I'm not promising anything. I also feel like this is so boring because I'm no getting too much of Dazai or (Name). But I just wanna get this done so I can start writing about their classes. I have some ideas about their experiences, and I want those as my priority.

(Unrelated to this story) For any BSD enjoyers, @Kiwibeanv is writing a BSD and Fatal Frame 5 crossover, Astray in the Black Water. It's not completely FF5, but it's heavily inspired. Fem!Reader, and the characters included are Dazai, Chuuya, Atsushi, and a tiny bit of Kunikida. I assist them with writing it, and I think it's a pretty entertaining series. You don't have to read it, but I wanted to mention it in case anyone actually wanted to. It's crossposted on Tumblr as well, should you want to read it there. Story link:

Word Count: ~1140

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