02 *

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A/N: this chapter contains mature contents, if you are don't like reading about it, you can skip the chapter (although I think you will be missing out some important things). From now on I will not put A/N before every chapter with sexual content. You can know it will be by the * next to the number of the chapter.


He hugs me back pulling me into his warm arms. His scent fills my nose and I feel like heaven because I have missed it too much.

When we pull away he keeps that large smile I love on his face while mine creeps into my lips as well. Making my mood lifted.

"I have missed you so much." He said before closing the door behind me.

Before I can answer his lips are on mine. At first it took me by surprise but soon I put my arms around his neck as I kiss him back. Niall smiles into the kiss before his arms around my waist.

Our lips mold together like they are meant to be while his hands pull on the hems of my sweater. The item of clothing is soon on the floor followed by Niall's jacket and stripped t-shirt.

His hands touch my tights and it's my signal to jump putting my legs around his waist. His hands move to my butt as they support my weight. He walks us towards my bedroom as we keep on kissing.

He drops me on the bed and begins to unbutton his jeans. I bite my lip in anticipation before I step out of my yoga pants.

"God baby I have missed you so much." He says against my skin before he kisses it.

His lips kiss up and down my neck and collarbones while I moan out his name. My blood runs through my veins making my heart pump faster and faster and my breath to come in irregular puffs.

His skilled hands open my bra and peel it from my body. My big bo.obs are soon attached my Niall's soft hands.

I always complain about my bo.obs because they are way too big in my opinion. I wish I had less but that seems to be a unthinkable because everybody always tell me how they wish they had my bo.obs. Like hell no, you will not like it if you have them.

However, Niall seems to love them and for that I am thankful. He kisses and caresses them making me feel comfortable with them.

My hands touch his exposed skin and go down to his boxers. I touch him through the material which instantly makes me feel the need even more. His brows furrow together as a groan is released from his throat.

I tug his boxes down and his ere.ction springs free. His hands don't spare much time before taking my panties off my legs. His hands caress my tights on that specific spot that makes me self-conscious of my stretch marks.

I don't know if I am the only one but after my first period my body changed so much that lots of stretch marks appeared on my body. Some faded with time but in the case of my tights they are still there.

Niall positioned himself and in no time he was inside of me. His movements were powerful and deep and the pace was average not too fast and not too slow. His face was buried on my neck where he kissed the skin nonstop.

My moans filled the room while his groan sounded in my ears because of the proximity of his mouth to the area. His hot pants making goosebumps appear on my skin.

His pace quickened as I heard his voice in my ear reminding me of how amazing this felt.

"God I have missed you so much. You are so good. Fuck you feel amazing." He said on my ear.

I didn't say anything back. I was quiet during sex, just saying things when I meant them and moaning occasionally.

"I have missed you too." I say in between pants.

I could feel his smile before it was revealed when he brought his head from my neck and he pecked me on the lips. It was a sweet kiss that holds so much meaning for me.

"Oh fuck baby I am so close." He groaned stopping the kiss.

I moaned at his words feeling sad that the sweet kiss was interrupted by his words. His forehead touched mine as his eyes stared into mine. He loved to fix his eyes on me when he was close.

I tried to maintain the eye contact but soon I closed my eyes and titled my head back as I reached my high. Niall's name left my lips which took him over the edge.

He panted heavily above me as we stared at some point in the room. I wanted so desperately to say three words but I keep them to myself knowing they were not right.

"Fu.ck that was good." Niall commented as he removed himself from me.

He dropped his weight next to me in bed and then he opened his arms for me. I snuggled into his sweaty chest as he closed his arms around me. His heart was still beating faster on his chest and that calmed me down.

I knew his heart wasn't mine but at least I could hear it beating from afar.


A/N: second chapter and it was steamy...

I hope you like how Abbie is not the perfect girl who is skinny and has no imperfections most time we find on films or books. I reflected myself in Abbie and I hope someone out there can feel the reflection too and realise that no matter how many flaws we find in ourselves, we are still beautiful :)

I love you guys, thanks for reading! xx

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