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I saw as the boys say goodbye. The shows as amazing as always and even though he did his best, there was something off about Niall. I knew right when I see it that what was off with him was because of me.

During the concert, I tried to distract myself by either paying attention to it or catching up with the girls. I told them why I was here and they were super excited which put even more pressure on me.

So when the concert ended, nerves started to kick in. My hands were sweating and my heart was pounding against my chest.

"Everything is going to be alright." Sophia tells me.

"You can do it gal!" Gemma says.

"You go get your man!" Lou says making us laugh.

We made our way to the backstage area as the fans began to leave the stadium. Nerves were pulsing through my body as Sophia gave me a good luck hug.

"Did you see that sign on the first row? It said 'Louis I want you to load your gun on me.'" Louis voice could be heard.

"That's crazy!" Liam said as they all laughed.

The boys were walking towards where we stood. They used towels to try to get rid of the sweat and carrying bottle of water they were drinking. Harry had his shirt's buttons open while Liam has removed his t-shirt completely.

Louis and Liam looked towards us and they smiled before their eyes went wide when they saw me. They stopped on their tracks making Niall who was looking into his phone, bump into Liam's sweaty back.

"What the fuck dude!" Niall shouted at him. "Ew! God you smell!"

"Niall." Liam said ignoring what Niall said before he pointed to me.

Niall gave Liam a funny look before he looked to where he was pointing. His eyes went wide when they meet mine and then his mouth hanged open.

"Abbie." He whispered.

And I couldn't take it anymore and ran to him. He ran meeting me halfway and as soon as we meet, our arms were around each other. He picked me up and I put my legs around his waist.

"What are you doing here? Are you really here?" Niall says with a big smile as he caresses my cheek as if he needed to touch me to believe I was really there.

"Yes, I am here. I am here." I say before our lips meet.

The kiss was full of emotions. Everything we felt and had bottled up was being thrown into the kiss. It was heart melting and I felt as if I was going to burst with everything I was feeling.

"God I love you. I love you so much." He says against my lips.

"I love you too." I say as a tear felt from one of my eyes.

"This is the best day of my life." He says with a big smile.

We kiss once again, separating our lips when we heard everyone around us shouting and clapping. We stop the kiss and Niall puts me down as I burry my face on his chest and everybody cheers on us. My face was burning in embarrassment while Niall laughed.

He was smelly and sweaty but I wouldn't change it for anything in this world. This was the best moment of my life and I knew this was only the start of us.

"I can't believe you are here." He says as he touches my hair.

"Me either. You need to thank Daniel for that." I say.

Niall frowned and looked at Daniel. He explains what happened this last three hours while I just hug Niall like I depend on it.

"Daniel, I will always be thankful to you for doing this for us." Niall says once Daniel is done explaining everything.

"It doesn't matter. I really love Abbie, she is a great friend and I knew she just needed a little push to go for it. I hope you are happy and you better treat her right or else." Daniel joked making us laugh.

"Don't worry I will take good care of her." Niall says with a proud smile.

"I take your word on that. I will leave you alone now." Daniel says before stepping out of the room.

That's when I realize that everyone else has left the room and that it was just me and Niall. He smiled at me and I smiled too. Then he grabbed my waist and pulled me into a bone crushing hug followed by lots of kisses.


A/N: so Abbie and Niall are back!! awwww my nabbie heart 

Anyways, next chapter is the final chapter and then I will end this story with an epilog! I still don't know what to make the epilog about so if you have suggestions let me know :)

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