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"Hi Daniel!" I say when I arrive to the table where he was waiting for me.

"Hi Abbie." He says with a big smile as he gets up from the chair to greet me.

"I'm sorry I am late, work held me up." I apologize.

"It's fine. No worries." He says with a shy smile.

I walk to my seat but before I can sit down, Daniel pulls my chair and helps me in. Blush creeps over my face as I thank him. We order our food and Dan nervously starts to try to make conversation.

"So I was meant to ask you the other day but I totally forgot. Your accent. I am awful with accents but I know that's not a London accent." He says.

"Oh right. I am Irish." I say.

"Oh wow! Now that you tell me, I can hear the Irish accent." He says with a little laugh at the end.

"You were born in London?" I ask.

"Yes, I have lived all my life here." He says.

"That's nice." I say.

"Are you from Dublin or any other city in Ireland?" He asks.

"I am from a little town called Mullingar. May ring any bells?" I ask.

"Umm...no sorry." He says.

"Oh that's okay." I say feeling a little awkward.

Of course Daniel is not a One Direction fan so there is no way he know who Niall is and let alone he is from Mullingar.

"Why should it right a bell?" He asks.

"Oh you know. Niall Horan from One Direction. He is from my hometown and he is also my best friend." I say.

"Oh. I heard about One Direction, let's be honest who hasn't but I don't know who is who to be honest. I just know that Harry Styles dude and the Zayn guy who left the band recently." He pauses for a few seconds. "Neil is the blonde guy right?"

"He is the blonde one and its Niall not Neil." I say with a little laugh.

"Sorry. I am not good with names either." He says with blushed cheeks.

"It's fine." I say. "So tell me a bit about yourself."

"I am an only child and my parents are divorced since I was 8. My dad remarried with a woman only 5 years older than me and mum lives off my dad money from the divorce. None of them really pay me much attention but it's okay because that's how it always has been." He says.

"Oh I am sorry Dan." I say.

"It's okay. It's the way it always has been. I am used to it." He says. "What about you?"

"Well my parents are divorced as well. Dad cheated on mum and they broke up. Then they got back together but he cheated again and that was the end of the two." I explain.

"That sucks!" He says.

"Yes it does. That's why I can't stand cheaters." I say.

"I know. My parents didn't cheat but they did get with other people not even a month after their divorce." He says.

"That sucks as well." I say.

"Do you have siblings?" He asks.

"Two brothers." I say. "I am the middle child. My big brother lives in Dublin ever since he went for university, he met a girl and they got married last year. And then my little brother, he is...different. Special."

"He is. Can I ask why?" He asks.

"He is autistic. It was hard because we didn't know how to help him or deal with it. It put a lot of pressure on my parents and that's why they grew apart and dad took his frustration out by sleeping with other women. He never fully dealt with it." I explain.

"It must be hard." He says.

"Yes, but Emmet is the best brother in the world. He tries really hard and he is so intelligent. I am so proud of him." I say with a big smile.

"You truly are. Your eyes shine when you talk about him." Daniel says.

"Yes, he is one of the best things I have in my life." I admit.


A/N: another update :) She went on a date with Daniel and we got to know a little bit more about her. What do you think?

PS: Dan on the gif! Isn't he the cutest? *heart eyes emoji*

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