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"Babe, are you ready?" Niall shouts from the living room.

"Lipstick and I am finished!" I shout back at him.

I hear him groan before he adds something about how beautiful I am and how I don't need any kind of makeup. He is such a cutie but who cares if you look beautiful with or without makeup. I like doing my makeup since it relaxes me; yes I am one of those girls.

"I'm done!" I say as I grab my purse and head downstairs.

"Finally!" He says as he fixes his hair for the hundred time on the mirror by the front door.

"You look hot!" I compliment him.

"I know. You got yourself a hot boyfriend." He says with a cheeky smile making me roll my eyes.

"That I did." I say.

"You look so gorgeous babe." He says as he pushed my body closer to his side.

"Thanks love." I say before pecking his cheek.

"Let's go!" He says with excitement.

We walk out of the house in which we live together for 4 years now. Today is our 5th year anniversary and we are heading out for a nice dinner. We are dressed up in formal clothes since Niall told me that the place we were going to was formal.

"Before we go, I need you to cover your eyes with this." Niall says giving me one of his scarfs.

"Why?" I ask with a chuckle.

"Because it's a surprise so you must cover your eyes." He says with a big smirk.

"I am not sure if I like this." I say in between my teeth making Niall chuckle.

After around 10 minutes' drive, Niall stops the car. He steps out of the car and then comes to my side to help me out. I carefully put my feet on the floor and then we began to walk with his aid.

"Are we close?" I ask.

"Nearly there." He says.

I can hear an elevator door open and close once we are inside. We go up a bunch of floors and I instantly smile at the thought of dinner on a rooftop restaurant. It's been something I have always wanted to try.

"We are here." He says after the elevators doors open.

He guides me out of the elevator and I instantly feel the cold freeze hit my skin. We were definitely on a rooftop.

He positioned me and then asked me to take off the scarf. When I did, my eyes widened and my mouth hangs open.

In front of me there is a massive rooftop from which you can see all the nightlights of the city of London. There is a little table with two chairs and different lights and candles illuminating the whole place.

"Oh my god Niall this is amazing!" I say in awe before I give him a hug.

"Everything for you my Abbie." He says making me smile widely.

"I love you Niall." I say.

"I love you too Abbie." He says before kissing on the lips.

Once we separate our lips, I begin to walk towards the table but I am stopped by Niall's hand on my wrist. I turn around with furrowed brows and I instantly notice that he is nervous.

"I was supposed to do this after dinner but I can't wait any longer." He breathes out and drops to one knee.

I instantly gasp and my hands cover my wide open mouth.

"I know I have proposed like thousands of time and you always thought I was joking even though they all seemed real to me." He says making me laugh.

Yes, Niall has asked me to marry him thousands of time. No exaggeration. Once he even asked me to marry him because I made him a sandwich. Plus it's kind of a tradition he asks me on every single anniversary.

However, it kind of turned into a joke and I took it as if he was just saying for saying. I never thought he meant it.

"From even before we dated I wanted you to be my wife and that has not changed. I have asked you before but you always thought I was joking so here I finally am. I am standing on one knee, talking the corniest I ever talked, in a candle lit dinner and you are crying your eyes out because you didn't expect it. Can we be more cliché?" He jokes making me laugh through my tears.

"This is simple. I love you. We have been through it all together and there is no doubt on my mind that I want you to stay by my side for the rest of my life. Again, I love you and I promise I will try to make you as happy as possible. So, my Abbie, will you become Mrs. Horan? Will you marry me?" He finally asks.

"Yes, yes I will." I say crying out loud.

He smiles and pulls me into a hug. Soon our lips meet and we get lost on it for a good few minutes.

"Where is the ring?" I ask with a chuckle.

"Oh shit! I always mess up don't I?" He says taking the black velvet box from his pocket.

He pulled the box open and the most precious ring appeared in front of my eyes. Niall took it and put it on my ring finger. I smiled down at the sparkly ring and then I looked up at Niall.

He is my best friend. He is the love of my life. Although it was hard, loving him in the dark made this moment much brighter.

We didn't get the memo of you shouldn't fall in love with your best friend but we did and for that, I am glad.

Memo (Niall Horan AU)Where stories live. Discover now