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I don't know what to say. My breath gets caught on my throat. Should I tell this complete stranger about my real feels for Niall?

"I don't like him." I say. But you know what they say, who better than a stranger to talk about your deepest feelings. "I am in love with him."

"Oh my god!" She gasps and then squeals. "You two are meant to be."

"No, Julie. I love him but he doesn't see me that way." I say.

"I am sure he does." She says with a big grin.

"No he doesn't. He dates other girls and they have nothing on me. I am just an average girl who happens to be his best friend. He could have model material kind of girl. Why would he settler for me?" I ask.

"Yes, he does date models but that doesn't mean he doesn't feel something strong about you." She says. "Perhaps he is just afraid of the way he feels. Or perhaps he is not ready to commit."

"And perhaps he just sees me as a friend." I say. "Julie, I am not going to risk a life's friendship for a foolish love."

"I don't think what I see in your eyes is foolish love." She says looking deep into my eyes as if she was looking at my soul. "Answer this questions. Does your heart beat faster just by hearing him say your name?"


"Does your skin get goosebumps every time his skin touches yours?"


"Do your lips want to feel his and no one else's?"


"Do you miss him so much than you think you are going crazy?"


"Do you think about him every single time when you wake up?"


"Does a smile appear on your face when you see his name appear on your phone for a call or a message?"


"Do you picture yourself growing old with him?"


"Do you dream with him saying how much he loves you?"

"Yes." I say with a sigh.

"Then my dear Abbie that's true love." She tells me.

"I know but I can't just throw our friendship for something I am sure he doesn't feel back." I say.

"What makes you think he doesn't?" She asks.

"The girls he dates are way prettier than I am. I am not good enough. He doesn't treat me as those girls; he just treats me as his friend. He lies to me and you don't lie to those you love." I say. "He just doesn't treat me how a guy should treat the woman he is in love with."

"I get your insecurities but they are just ridiculous." Julie says. "You are pretty Abbie. You may not be Victoria's Secret model material but you are beautiful on your own way. Maybe those girls he dates are Victoria's Secret models but they don't have what you have here inside your heart."

"They got nothing on you Abbie. You are special and good enough." She gives me a warm smile. "He may not treat you like you should but maybe he doesn't know how to act around you because he is unsure of what to do or how he feels."

"I don't know Julie. I just don't think he feels the same way." I say.

"I can't make you believe it. It's him who has to show you. If he doesn't, that's his lost because you are just perfect for him." She says with a big smile.

"Yes, he is the one who is missing out." I joke making Julie laugh.

"You joke about it but it's the truth. If he doesn't see what's in front of him he is the one who is missing out!" She says.


A/N: cute chapter just to show you how in love Abbie is with Niall :)

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