The barrens

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The losers finally arrived to the barrens. They laid their bikes down except for Stanley who put his kick stand up. "That's poison Ivy. And that's poison Ivy and that's poison Ivy." Stanley said gesturing at the "poison Ivy". "Where? Where's the poison Ivy?" Eddie said as he looked at the plants. "No where. Not every plant is fucking poison Ivy Stanley." Richie said in an annoyed tone. Lydia chuckled. Then Richie followed Bill in. "Okay well I'm starting to get itchy now and I'm sure this isn't good for my-" Eddie said before getting interrupted by Richie. "Do you use the same bathroom as your mother?" Richie asked. "Sometimes yeah." Eddie replied. "Then you probably have crabs." Richie exclaimed. "That's so not funny." Eddie complained. Richie seemed to notice only Bill and himself were walking in the sewers he looked back at Lydia, Stanley and Eddie. "Aren't you guys coming in?" Richie asked looking at them. "Nuh uh. It's grey-water." Eddie stated. "What the hell is grey-water!?" Richie asked feeling annoyed. "It's basically, piss and shit so I'm just telling you. You guys are splashing around in a whole bunch of Derry pee." Eddie explained. "What are you-" Eddie got cutter off by Richie. Richie picked up a stick and sniffed it. "It doesn't smell like caca to me Señor." Lydia chuckled. "Okay. I-I can smell it from here." Said Eddie with a disgusted face. "It's probably just your breath wafting back into your face." Richie said making a gesture with his hand to his face. Eddie scoffs. "Have you ever heard of a staph infection?" Eddie asks. "Oh I'll show you a staph infection." Richie said grinning and picking a plastic bag with the stick. "This is so unsanitary. You're literally....
This is literally like swimming inside of a toilet bowl right now." Eddie says. "Have you ever heard of listeria?" Eddie asks. "Richie uses his stick and throws it at Eddie. Eddie let out a scream as the bag lands at his feet. "Are you- are you (r- slur)?" Eddie asked. Lydia noticed Bill looking at something. She wondered what it was. Lydia wasn't listening to Richie and Eddie's argument. "Guys!" Bill shouted but not too loud. Everyone looked over at Bill. "Shit....don't tell me that's..." Stanley panicked. "No...Georgie wore galoshes." Bill said looking at the shoe. "Whose sneaker is it?" Eddie asks. Bill shines the flashes light so Richie and him can examine the  shoe. They see the words "B. Ripsom." on it. "It's Betty Ripsom's." Richie says. "Oh, shit. Oh, God. Oh, fuck! I don't like this." Eddie panicked. "How do you think Betty feels? Running around these tunnels with only one frickin' shoe?" Richie jokes. He lifts his foot off the ground with some amusement and chuckles, he then looks at Bill, realizing this is nothing to joke about. "Not funny Richie." Lydia is glares at him. "What if she's still here?" Stanley asks. Richie and Bill walk further into the tunnel. "Eddie come on!" Richie says to Eddie. "My mom will have an aneurysm, okay? If she finds out we're playing down here. I'm serious." Eddie states.  "Bill?" Eddie asks. Bill turns to face Eddie "If... If I was Betty Ripsom, I would want us to find me. Georgie too." Bill says. "What if I don't want to find them? I mean, no offense, Bill, but I don't want to end up like... I don't want to go missing, either." Eddie says. "He has a point." Stanley speaks up. "You too?" Bill asks. "It's summer! We're supposed to be having fun!" Stanley says. Richie looks at Bill and shrugs. "This isn't fun. This is scary and disgusting." He says. A loud splash was heard. Lydia turned around too fast and slipped on the rocks and fell back. Eddie noticed it was the new kid, Ben. Stanley helped Lydia up. She smiles at him and he smiled back. "Holy shit what happened to you!?" Richie asked as Bill and him exited the tunnel.

Stanley, Lydia and Eddie ran towards Ben to help him. They helped him get back on Bills bike and they rode off to the pharmacy.

🫶 816 words 🫶

A/n: hey so my cousin has Wattpad and she's like a year older than me anyways so I told her I made a book and she decided to read it (this book) and she said that I should mention her so I finally finished this chapter so why not mention her 😂. !Hey Evie! She totally didn't say she would bully me for this for the rest of my life 😍 She's in her hunger games era. Anyways hope you enjoyed and I'll try upload more often I'm sick at the moment so I might be able to upload more if I stay home tomorrow 😍 I wanna stay home because of home economics tomorrow. Anyways enjoy 🫶😍
- Mia 🎈☎️

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