Closing walls

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Lydia was walking home from Ben's house. She was tired and all she wanted to do was get some sleep.

She made it to her house. Her mom was still at work. It was strange for her not seeing her brother around sitting on the sofa with Henry while they talk about who there next victim would be. She sighed.

She headed up to her room. She took her shoes off and tossed them somewhere in her room. She laid down on her bed. She closed her eyes. She heard a sound. It sounded like something was getting crushed she opened her eyes. Lydia sat up from lying down on her bed. She noticed her room was getting smaller. She stood up. She thought her eyes were playing tricks on her she looked around the room. She saw that her wall was at her desk. There would normally be a gap between her desk and wall. She stood there shocked for a moment. She went to turn to her door. She ran to her door, she gripped her hand on her door handle. It wouldn't open. It was like it was jammed because the door handle didn't move an inch.

No matter how hard she twisted it there was no movement of it. The walls became tighter. It was almost like standing in a tall thin box. She ran to the corner of her wall and leaned herself against it, staring at her wall coming closer. She closed her eyes and covered her ears with her hands as she sat down on her floor.

"This isn't real. This isn't real! My eyes are just playing tricks on me! This is all a dream." Lydia said over and over.

She heard a laugh. Like the ones you'd hear of a clown from the circus. She kept her eyes shut and her ears covered. She still kept sitting on the floor not moving an inch.
Her mom came home. Lydia didn't hear the front door shut.

Her mom then gotten upstairs and into Lydia's room. Her mum paused for a minute looking at Lydia.

"Liddy what's wrong?"
Her mother called out to her.
Lydia opened her eyes and took her hands off her ears.

"The walls! They were moving they coming closer!"

Lydia said as she stood up looking at her walls. It wasn't like standing in a tall box anymore. It was how her walls were originally. The gap between her desk and wall was there. She looked kind of confused.

"Lydia are you sure your eyes weren't playing tricks on you? You were out with your friends since nine am today."
Her mother said.

"That's what I thought but it was too real."
Lydia said hugging herself.

"Lydia. Are you sure? Have you been seeing things lately because I might have to take you to the doctors because your walls don't look like they've moved an inch."
Her mother asked looking at her with a sympathetic look.

"I haven't seen anything else. But I heard a laugh. Like the laughs of clowns in the circuses."
Lydia told her mom. Lydia started getting goosebumps.

"Lydia. This sounds bit silly. Your just tired. I'm tired too. Let's just go to bed. If your still seeing and hearing things I'll take you to the doctors."

Her mother said. Before Lydia could speak her mother left the room. Lydia sighed.
Lydia got into her pjs and she got into bed. She stared at the ceiling for hours before she drifted off to sleep.....

                               591 words

A/N: Hey guys. Last time I posted was like last month 😭 sorry about that I've been dealing with school and drama lately (please kill me I can't take it 💀) anyways I'm kinda cringing at this I hate when I have to write about my character falling in love, when they are scared, sad and angry 💀💔. I also killed a spider but I didn't actually kill it, 8 it fell on my floor or bed. I'm scared because I'm now itching so help. I know I say something like this every time but I PROMISE ILL TRY TO UPDATE MOTE OFTEN.

Take care

-Mia ☎️🎈

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