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  Weeks went by and everything seemed to be back to normal. Until This particular morning of Michelle springing out of bed rushing into the bathroom. Reaching the toilet bowl on time she regurgitated last night's dinner. Calvin yelled behind the door " baby is everything alright". Yeah, just an upset stomach" Michelle responded. She quickly grabbed her phone to check her menstrual cycle and it read four days late. Her hand now placed over her mouth as she paced back and forth in her bathroom trying to not make it make sense. She said " no, it's only 4 days late and the food last night did taste kind of funny, how could I be pregnant?!"  She cleaned herself up, refreshed her mouth,and went back to bed hoping to awake from this nightmare. Hours went by and Michelle was awakened by the aroma of her husband's cooking. She came out of bed stretching her body and then followed the trail of scent until she reached her husband in front of the stove.  She hugged him from behind and said "mhm, what are you making" and he responded "your favorite, sesame noodles lightly sauced with a tinge of pepper."  Shocking to Michelle, her pallet rejected the food but she continued to eat it. This finally made her consider taking a pregnancy test, the thought alone made her tremble.
   The following afternoon while Calvin went to hangout with his friends, Michelle thought it to be the perfect opportunity to get the pregnancy test over with. Michelle dressed herself in an oversized sweatsuit attempting to hide herself from the shame she would have to endure at the local cvs. She entered her car, pushed to start the engine and sighed before pulling out from her private parking. After a 15 minute drive she pulled into the cvs parking lot, grabbing her purse, she exited her car and going through the automatic doors of cvs she walked straight into the aisle that read "personal care". She continued walking until she saw a blue and white box with the words "clear blue pregnancy test" written across.  She reached for it for a closer view at the description and was sold on buying it. Michelle thought the employees were judging her, they weren't her own thoughts and as scripture says " the wicked flee when no man pursueth". " yes that would be all" Michelle responded to the cashier ringing up her items. Reaching home she went straight to her bathroom, unpackaged the two pregnancy tests and as she sat on the toilet she read the instructions on the box " ok, place the tip in your urine stream for 5 seconds, replace cap and lay test flat, and wait 1-3 minutes for your result". " so do I dip the tip in the stream of urine or just use a cup?". The second option seemed more logical and less messy. She went to grab a plastic cup and when she was done filling the cup, she gathered herself, and proceeded to dip the tip of the pregnancy test. Once she let it sit to finally read the results she began to panic. Covering her face, pacing back and forth at this scandalous situation,she quickly glanced at the test and  saw the straight line forming. Ready to face reality She repeated " positive is pregnant, negative is not pregnant" "OH MY GOSH!" She cried viewing the plus sign within the oval shape on the test. She quickly grabbed the digital test, dipped the tip, and waited. When she read "pregnant" on the digital test,the floor was the only place of comfort for Michelle at this shocking news. Michelle couldn't figure out her next move, beginning to recalculate the past events she said " Landen used a condom right? I can't even remember but he wouldn't do that, he knows I'm married, it was a mistake. Calvin and I had more sex, it has to be his, it is Calvin's" she convinced herself. She repeated "you are Calvin's" standing up to look at herself in the mirror while rubbing her flat belly. Closing her eyes and begging God to forgive her and to allow this baby to be Calvin's, a superficial joy came over her and she couldn't wait to surprise Calvin and their family.

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