Gym Escapade

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Jisoo flows through various yoga poses with grace and strength, her toned body clad in form-fitting pants. Despite the late hour, Jungkook made an exception for Jisoo tonight; she's worth it. As she holds a challenging lunge, her thighs quivering from the effort, He admires her determination - one of the reasons why He cleared his schedule for this session. Besides, it's technically Saturday now, so staying up to watch HER is justifiable since he'd be working at home anyway. It has nothing to do with wanting to appreciate the curve of her hips, the arch of her back, or the way her ponytail sways as she moves into different positions, revealing the elegant line of her neck. Not. Who would stay up this late just to watch someone sweat? Or to admire the sight of them in a sports bra, revealing their cleavage? Certainly not Him.

 Who would stay up this late just to watch someone sweat? Or to admire the sight of them in a sports bra, revealing their cleavage? Certainly not Him

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"I saw that you landed that yoga sponsorship. It suits you perfectly," Jungkook comments, catching a whiff of her jasmine-scented shampoo as she walks by for weighted squats. His eyes linger on her backside before He corrects her form.

A thin layer of sweat glistens on Jisoo's forehead after finishing a set

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A thin layer of sweat glistens on Jisoo's forehead after finishing a set. "Thank you!" she pants, her chest rising and falling with exertion. "I never thought I'd be working out this late." Her laughter fills the room and warms his heart.

The distant rumble of a sports car breaks their focus. Living just steps away from Elysium Fitness, these interruptions are common in such an expensive neighborhood. "Don't worry about him. Just showing off," Jungkook reassures Jisoo with a smile, and she chuckles in response.

As the night wears on, the bright white lights are replaced with warmer, softer lamps that are easier on the eyes. But the harsh lights of the city at night still seep through, casting a neon glow over everything. Jungkook breathing matches the thuds of feet and weights hitting the floor as they both lie on mats for core work. He guides Jisoo through planks and leg raises until they're both exhausted. With each movement, her top rides up and exposes more of her toned abs, testing his self-control. Jungkook was known as a fitness freak in the industry, and he was often approached by various Female celebs, so He's worked with plenty of beautiful actresses and models with stunning bodies, but there's something about Jisoo that sets her apart.

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