Chapter 9. The Date

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The days flew by and Friday came almost too fast. The entire town was bustling, the preparations for the festival were almost finished and the people were rushing around in the streets, joyful smiles on their faces. Posters with the program were up on the walls and poles and I halted to take a look at it. The main festival attraction was to start at 3pm in the central plaza. The stalls and stages were already prepared and I could see the artists do their last practice and warm-ups before their performances.

The booths with various snacks and lottery games were already up and working and I couldn't resist buying myself a chocolate apple on a stick. What? I loved apples and chocolate! I munched on it happily as I headed towards the fountain, where I was supposed to meet Elek. To my surprise, I noticed his figure even from afar, though at first I wondered it that really was him. He had discarded his military uniform and armor and now was wearing only dark blue pants and a white sleeveless shirt. It revealed his buff arms and I gaped shamelessly at his muscles. Just like the rest of the females in the plaza.

In another minute I managed to regain my composure and headed towards him. Elek must have heard my footsteps and he turned to me. As soon as his eyes landed on me, he gave me a wide smile and rose up from the edge of the fountain that he was sitting on.

"Hey, Aleta!"

I returned his smile as I greeted him, "Hey. You're early."

"Better early than late," he winked at me and offered his arm. Surprised, I wrapped my arm around his and we walked towards the stalls and booths of the fair.

"I thought we could take a look at the stalls until the main event," he noted and then chuckled. "Though I see you've already done that."

"I could not resist the sweet temptation," I giggled as we made our way towards the first stall with various clothe materials.

"Is it good?" he asked and I nodded my head in content.

"You bet."

He chuckled as he suddenly halted and his hand gripped mine as he leaned down. Flabbergasted I watched him take a bite from my apple and he grinned at my baffled expression.

"True," he muttered as he enjoyed my chocolate flavoured apple.

"That's one silver coin from you," I stated, looking at him dully. Oh the nerve of some men.

Elek chuckled as he replied, "Maybe I can return my debt in some other way?"

"Of course," I grinned, "in gold."

He laughed again and I rolled my eyes, but then remembered I had yet to thank him for telling the General I was the one who killed the bandit leader.

So, I assumed a nonchalant expression as I said, "Oh, and thanks for vouching for me, by the way."

"Oh? You already took the reward?"

"Duh," I replied, smirking. "The sooner I get my money, the better."

"Haha," Elek laughed. "That sounded greedy."

"Meh," I shrugged my shoulders as we passed by other stalls, taking a look at the items. "Ah, look! A lottery!"

Elek turned his head to look at where I was pointing and I pulled him after me. The lottery was more of an accuracy challenge, though. I halted by the sign and the tablet with the rules. The host was still trying to get his prizes in order, which involved sweets and snacks, wooden toys and stuffed plush dolls. The rules said that the player had to throw daggers into the targets. The targets were circular and the few circles in it were divided into points. The center was 100 points, the middle ring was 50 points and the outer ring was 20 points. I grinned as I surveyed the prizes.

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