Chapter 15. Meeting Ralph

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The transportation portal was made skillfully, but I still felt somewhat dizzy as my body crossed through space and landed somewhere in the other corner of the world. Who knew where. I for once didn't.

I stepped out of the portal and my eyes trailed off to look at my surroundings. I really was in a forest. A lush and green forest in full bloom. It would have been beautiful if I was not preoccupied with grim thoughts. Someone, please tell me why did I agree to this again? Why did I let myself be pushed around by an 8-year-old kid?! So what if he's a mage! I should have said no to him... and yet, I totally got dragged into his pace. But then again... What else am I supposed to do?

I grumbled as I treaded further on along a narrow path. It was surrounded by thick bushes from both sides and was going slightly upwards. I bit my lips slightly as I thought about Soran again. He was a strange one. I thought I could get rid of my curse, but here I am, trying to actually hasten it. Is it really the right choice?.. I mean, me, turning into a dragon?..

And what was it with him almost being unwilling to come here with me? Did he and that elf Ralph have some sort of argument? A fall-out? Though, again, if I was turned into a child by a youth elixir, I suppose I wouldn't really be very eager to see the one who did it to me. Hmm.

I shrugged it off and continued my journey. As I climbed up a low hill, I could already see the small wooden hut just down the hill and that was the moment the ground shook and something big exploded with such a loud bang that I yelped in surprise and fell to the ground, covering my head in instinct. A thick violet smoke burst through the chimney of the hut and even the windows, breaking the glass with such a force that pieces of it flew half way to where I was.

I gaped as the deep violet mist slowly rose and spread around the hut. I glanced around cautiously and tried to see if there was any real fire in the building, but it didn't seem to be the case. I picked myself up from the ground and walked towards the forest house carefully. I was having this bad feeling again. Explosions are never good things, after all.

Still, I moved forwards and just as I reached the door and halted wondering if I should knock first or just barge in without any polite ceremonies, the doors flew open by themselves. I gasped slightly, my eyes focusing on a young and absolutely handsome man. He was rather tall and he was wearing a dark green costume which seemed to be singed in quite a few spots and splattered with violet stains around his right shoulder. The man's face was delicate and his skin very pale, his ears longer than that of a human's. The stranger had light blond hair that was bordering on white and his long bangs fell on both sides of his face framing it perfectly. His gorgeously green eyes stared down at me with slight surprise as he muttered, "Oh, my."

I blinked a few times, thinking that perhaps I was having illusions. I have heard that elves were creatures of supernatural beauty, but, surely, not this beautiful?..

"For me to be graced with such an honor," he suddenly said in a soft voice that seemed to ring like small bells in the wind, "an honor to be visited by such a beautiful young maiden."

I tilted my head to my right slightly as my mouth fell agape at his words. A beautiful young maiden? WHERE?!

"I am not worthy of your presence, but please, allow me to introduce myself," he continued. "I am Ralph LaCroux de Monteur de Bellafleur Acator la Nosca Bara de Cascadoriealeur."

I furrowed my brows in deep thought as his words floated in and out of my head. Ralph LaCroux de Mont-what?.. Acacia? No, Bella-something?.. Again, what?!

"Ummmm," I drawled feeling slightly confused and almost embarrassed as I could see he was waiting for my reaction. Finally, I murmured my own name, "Aleta."

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