Chapter 3. Sheep in Distress

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The General was in his fifties (as far as I could tell) and he looked rather experienced, as well as busy. There were piles of documents on his old desk and his kind but stern eyes looked reddish and tired. Still, he didn't make me wait too long and he was very kind to me during our entire conversation, even if he was disappointed in my grades and abilities. See, magicians were a very valuable addition to armies, especially if they were well rounded and skilled. Usually, magicians could wield various elemental magic, like fire, ice, earth, water, lightning and even more, as well as cast protective shields. It was quite a rare case to major only in one element and it was not recommended. But I did. Not like I had any choice, actually. Quite mysteriously, I had little to no talent in defensive magic or other elemental magic, except for the fire one. Also, I wasn't a very good student, which showed on my Assessment Sheet.

"So," the General frowned ever so slightly. "You can only do fire-based attacks?"

I nodded.

"What about shielding?"

I shook my head. "Sadly, no. But I'm awfully good at healing!"

The general smiled at the silly grinning me, but I could see it was a polite smile of pity. Inside, he had already discarded me as a failure. Yet, he didn't say that to my face and I thought it was very kind of him. I could see he was thinking very hard as to how to break it to me that I will be sent to some remote village, where there was no action whatsoever, or I'll have to assist some other, more powerful magician. I decided to ease his job. Hey, he looked really considerate, what else could I do?

"Um, sir," I broke the silence and he lifted his eyes up to look at me. "You don't have to think that hard. I know I'm branded as a failure already, so no worries."

I casted him a grin as I continued. "I can work under some other magician, I don't mind it, really. But if it's possible, could I stay here in town at least for a while?"

I need to make as much money as I can while I can.

The general stared at me for a while and then sighed. "You're a nice girl, Aleta, you really are. You made the journey here all alone, which was very brave of you and I wish I could send you out to a battle as the main magician, but without any skills in protective magic, I just can't. You'd be butchered."

Or not. I was too agile to be butchered, but I had no wish to tell him that. My agility and sword fighting lessons were kind of... illegal. Well, if to be more exact, I blackmailed the professors into teaching me all sorts of tricks... Anyways, going front line into battles really wasn't for me. I'd rather sit back in town and make money.

"I will think more about your case and, meanwhile, you will be assigned to serve here, in Trarton," the General noted and I did a few somersaults in my head.

Oh, yes. The heavens still love me.

"You have to go and report to our Head Magician Oheli," the General continued. "He will be responsible for your further training and your accommodations. Also, he will assign you missions."

I nodded, thanked him politely and we bid our goodbyes. Well, that wasn't so bad. The General seemed like a really good man. I almost pitied him. He really wanted to make me feel more welcome here and send me out to some glorious mission. Pfft. Like I needed one. I'll leave the quest to save the world to someone else. I'm no hero material.

I nodded to myself and went out of the Barracks, passing a few idle soldiers on my way down the steps. Then, I halted and took a good look around. Ah, I am so lucky, after all... To stay in this town, only if for a little while... Aaaaahhh... The gold that awaits me!

I grinned and skipped gleefully, heading south to where the magician I needed to contact was residing. Better get it over with as soon as I can. On my way I stopped by the blacksmith and the street vendors, taking a look at the stuff they were selling. The weapons were either out of my league strength-wise or too expensive for my pocket. And I was too stingy to buy myself a few potions. They were so expensive here. Well, that's capital city for you.

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