Chapter 22. The Art of Persuasion

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I dashed across the alley and rounded the corner, hoping to catch a glimpse of the mysterious magician. Clad all in black, he was not that hard to notice. The street was pretty much empty, bar several people running off into alleyways. I rushed forth past charred and half-destroyed houses, catching up to my new-found victim-ahem-friend. He did not seem to notice me and so I walked a few steps behind him, looking around carefully trying to spot any demons or skeletons beforehand. I could hear their roars coming from the direction of the main street. Hm, did the guy take a side street on purpose to avoid them? Smart move.

Suddenly, the body in front of me halted and turned around, black eyes digging into mine angrily.

"Why are you following me?" he hissed out and I sculpted my expression into a nonchalant one.

"I am not!"

"Really now?" he raised his brow indignantly and I shrugged my shoulders, trying to look innocent.

"Sure, we just happened to be going in the same direction," I replied and smiled charmingly or so I hoped. "Happens to people all the time, you know."

For a moment, the man seemed surprised staring at me in bewilderment and then he snorted, mumbling, "Must be a human thing."

I cocked my head sideways wondering what he meant when the man shook his head, noting, "Last I remember you were heading the opposite direction."

"Uh, yeaaah," I looked away as I scratched my head and then grinned, looking back at him, "You just confused me and I forgot where I was going."

"And which way were you going, again?"

"Um, that way," I pointed to the general direction he had been walking before and the man smirked as if a cat that got the canary.

"Good. Then I'll go over there," he replied and turned away as I gaped at him.

"Wha-?" I stuttered as I ran after him. "Don't tell me you're actually leaving me here all alone? A frail human girl with no one to protect her from the mindless beasts rampaging the town?"

He glanced at me sideways and snorted again, "Frail?"

I rolled my eyes, "Fine, forget it. Hey, now that I think of it, what's your name?"

"None of your business."

"Oh, well, nice to meet you None of Your Business," I grinned innocently and ignored the animalistic growl the man sent my way. "My name's Aleta. Yours is kind of long though, do you mind if I just call you Pete? Huh?"

The man pretended to ignore me, so I ranted on, "Pete is a nice name, I kind of like it. I had this friend; he went by the name of Pete. A really kind guy, he was. We studied at the Academy together, you know. Well, at least until he kind of had an accident with this water spell that trapped his head in a bubble and he started choking and... ah, well, let's just say he was a good guy. Yeah. The end."

Exasperated, the man now dubbed as Pete halted and turned to me, "Why are you doing this?"

"What? Pete was a good guy, I tell you. He deserves a story of his own name," I replied and the new Pete rubbed his forehead, giving off a sigh.

"I know you're a dunderhead but do not play me," his tone turned icy cold at the end and I smiled sheepishly.

"Truth or not so truth?"

He gave me a what-do-you-think stare and I sighed.

"Well, I just... kind of... your fire spell was awesome, man!" I wiggled my brows at him, "Think you could teach me? I'll be good."

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