Chapter 25. Promises Kept

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I let out a sigh as I kicked a stone with my shoe. It ricocheted off the rocks a few times and landed immobile a few feet away. Elek had just left for the capital city to warn the Council and my plan to showcase him a good-willed dragon had back-fired. Bugger. To top that, I had my first and by far the most horrible night of insomnia in my entire life. Even now, under the bright light of midday sun I was still mulling over my possible (or was it definite?) demon ancestry and spreading gloom and doom everywhere around. Soran had promptly kicked me out of the tower as soon as he saw me in my bottomless despair and that was how I found myself walking around, looking for a good place to test out the explosives Ralph was making. I figured such an easy task would do me some good but my thoughts were only pushing me further into the abyss of self-loathing.

Another stone flew across the ground as I kicked it as earnestly as I could and watched its trajectory dejectedly. Why was I even affected by this so much? Who cares if I'm half-demon? Humanity is overrated, anyway. I get to be a cool dragon, instead! Granted that I don't get killed on spot by whom I consider to be my best friend. Oh, how it sucks to be cursed by a bloody dragon. And no one, I repeat, no one was gonna convince me otherwise.

"Why so gloomy this fine day?"

A silky voice with mocking undertones interrupted my thoughts and I startled, whirling around to face whomever dared to sneak up on me. The voice was familiar and surprised I watched Pete jump down from a nearby cliff. He landed with an enviable grace, flicking up dust in his wake. The man was still dressed for a funeral and I cocked my brow watching him walk towards me with his usual smirk in place.

"Surprised to see me?" He asked and I narrowed my eyes suspiciously. What were the chances of me meeting him, seriously? Elek's warnings of foul and vicious demons flashed in my mind momentarily.

I pushed them away as I murmured, "A bit."

Pete glanced me over, his dark orbs judging and steely, "Hmph, who trampled all over your favorite puppy?"

"Oh, please, you haven't so much as seen my puppy," I replied, rolling my eyes and interlocking my arms over my chest, thinking back to Totto. "I feel sorry for whoever tries to trample over him."

In retrospect, I really did. Pete merely grinned in response and I furrowed my brow. "What are you even doing here? Lost something again?"

"As a matter of fact, I kind of did," he looked pensive for a moment, as if he's just realized himself that he had actually misplaced something once more.

"Well, don't expect me to help," I shook my head as I turned to walk away. That road won't get any shorter just by me standing here.

To my surprise, Pete followed me, "I do not, not really."

I glanced sideways at him warily, "What do you want, then? And how did you even find me?"

"I was looking for someone," Pete replied, "but I suppose you will do for now."

"Wow, I feel honored already," I rolled my eyes.

"Why, you should be," Pete smirked. "After all, not everyone has the chance to learn from the master."

"What?" I halted turning to face him, unsure if I heard right. Certainly, he did not mean...

"If I remember correctly, we had an agreement," his dark eyes bore into mine. "You've kept your end of the bargain, now it is time to keep mine."

I stared at him incredulously, unable to believe my ears. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

"I always keep my promises, no matter how unsavory they might be," Pete replied arrogantly. "Mind you, if you fail and set yourself on fire, blame yourself."

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