Chapter 23. The Silver Dragon

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As soon as Aleta was out of the room, Elek turned back to glare at the demon in the guise of a human in front of him vehemently. The latter one stared back calmly, though his eyes lacked the fire of hatred burning in Elek's brown orbs.

"Cut the act," Elek hissed through his clenched teeth, barely holding himself back now that Aleta was safely away. "I could feel your wretched demon aura miles away."

The lips of the demon soon stretched into a cruel smirk and his black eyes gained a reddish glint to them, the crimson overtaking the black slowly.

"Meeting the First Holy Knight, what an honor. I am truly humbled by your presence," he said, his voice flowing silkily in the room.

Elek gritted his teeth at the mock, drawing out his trusty sword instead of replying to the obvious taunt.

"What were you doing here, demon? I swear if you've hurt Al-"

"Oh, please," the demon rolled his eyes, interrupting Elek. "As if I'd care for one human. She will die sooner or later on her own with no help from me whatsoever. Then again, it might be fun to toy with her for a while."

"Don't you dare!" the warrior's eyes flashed dangerously as he charged at the black-clad demon, slashing his sword in an upward swing. The demon Aleta had dubbed as Pete chuckled as he dodged the sharp edge and jumped away from another upcoming attack. Elek assaulted him relentlessly, his sword gaining a pure white glint, the holy energy forming at its tip.

However, swing after swing, the demon kept evading him, not taking even a single scratch. He had yet to counterattack, making Elek uneasy. Usually, the demons charged without a second thought, gnarling and roaring all the way. It was easy to dispatch them. But this one, this one seemed to play with him, trying to get him out of balance, looking for the best opening. Elek would not give him that, no. The Holy Knight gritted his teeth, pushing away his raging emotions. Aleta was away from here and safe. He had to concentrate on this new adversary.

"Hmm," meanwhile, Pete mused as he once again danced away from Elek. "I must admit I was expecting more from the rumored First Holy Knight."

Elek did not reply at the taunt. He merely narrowed his eyes stopping the attacks. The demon stood steady, having halted in front of one of the windows. The daylight seeped through, bathing him in light, making him seem all the more ominous than before. He was a strange one, Elek thought. More devious and certainly craftier than any of the demons he had ever met before. He had to be careful and plan this well. The warrior came to realize the usual hack and slash strategy was not going to work on this one.

With the sword still raised at a ready position, Elek stared down at the demon wondering if he could gain some information.

"All these attacks against the human race. So many years had already passed. Why emerge now?" He asked and the demon cocked his brow, smirking.

"Why not now?"

"You are in league with the dragon," Elek continued ignoring the ridicule in the demon's voice. "Tell me where I can find him and we can finish this for good. Or is your master a coward, knowing only how to hide in the shadows?"

The jeer did not anger the demon, as Elek would have hoped. Instead, amusement seemed to dance in his now almost entirely crimson eyes.

"The dragon?" The demon echoed, cocking his head sideways, his mouth stretching into a full out grin. "Oh, he is much closer than you might think. Much, much closer."

The silky voice made shivers run down Elek's spine, his thoughts whirling at a break-neck speed. What did those words mean? What did the demon want to say?

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