Chapter 16. The Potion

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I shot up gasping and sweating as I could still feel the fire burn into my body and soul. The view in front of me blurred for a moment and it rang in my ears. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, waiting for everything to calm down. As soon as it soothed, I opened my eyes again and took a careful look around.

I was in an unfamiliar room, sitting in a wide bed. The room was round and I could see a spacious balcony on my left. The only furniture in the room was the huge bed that I was sitting on, a nightstand on my right and a dresser on my left.

I got up and went to the balcony. It provided a breathtaking view over the mountains and the valley beneath and as I looked around I realized I was up in what seemed to be some sort of a mansion. Now I really don't remember coming to a mansion and this is definitely not the forest hut I had fainted in. So... where the hell am I?

I furrowed my brows for a moment, thinking, but as nothing came to my mind I decided to simply explore. The doors of the room were not locked and I exited into a corridor. There were other doors in it, but all of them were locked and so I continued along it until I came to a staircase. It led me down to a hall and as I crossed it towards another room I finally came to a familiar view.

"Ohh," I mused as I sighed with relief, looking over a rather large room with lots of portals set up in it. This was the same room that I used to get to Ralph's hut, meaning I was back in Soran's tower. If it was a tower at all. Obviously, the stone tower was merely an illusion to hide a rather big house. Ah, the things magic could do.

I smiled as I thought that maybe some time in the future I will be able to cast similar magic, as well. Or not, given my total lack of talent in magic other than the fire one. My smile disappeared and I sighed as I ascended another staircase. It was time to find Soran and ask what was going on. I wondered how much I'd slept in. It seemed to be daytime outside, an early morning, I think, but who knew with that strange kid and his magic.

For another five minutes or so, I wondered around the mansion looking for any signs of life until I finally heard voices. It seemed like Soran was talking and so I walked that way until I came to a large room. It was furnished with couches and armchairs and a coffee table in the middle. Soran was standing with his arms crossed over his chest by one of the large windows and I could see Ralph sitting on a couch, sipping something from an elegant looking cup. Tea, perhaps?

"Argh, just finish your tea and go back to your woods," Soran whined in his childish voice and Ralph put the cup down on its plate with almost no sound.

"I cannot do that, my friend," the elf replied as he leaned back, getting more comfortable. "How can I leave the fair maiden all alone to fight off the evil in this world?"

"You and your romanticism!" Soran flailed his arms up in the air in frustration. "I swear one of these days you will be the death of me!"

"Why I'd never!" Ralph looked utterly insulted. "I have always considered you a good friend of mine, Soran."

"Yeah, right, and that's why you turned me into a bloody kid," the magician grumbled and Ralph shrugged his shoulders.

"I've told you it was a side-effect."

"ALL of your potions have side-effects!!!!" Soran exclaimed as he pointed at Ralph accusingly. "You'd better have done the Shapeshifting one well!"

"Do not worry," Ralph replied, "I would never endanger lady Aleta."

"Oh, but you could endanger your best friend!"

"Soran, please," Ralph gave him a sweet smile. "You're acting like a child."

I couldn't help but snort quietly as I watched Soran fume. His face turned red from anger and his eyes glowered at Ralph heatedly.

The elf seemed to be oblivious to the effect of his words as he continued in a calm manner, "Let's not argue for now. We have some serious matters to attend to."

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