Alastor and the dead exorcist

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'Ok, it's been a week since everyone's gone back and the angels moved their murder spree to six months. I know I'm not the main reason but I don't think kidnapping one of them helped.' I was currently cleaning the weapons in my office armory. Realistically I don't need any weapons since I can summon an army of monsters but it's not every day you get to hold a pair of beautifully engraved colt mk IV's.

 Realistically I don't need any weapons since I can summon an army of monsters but it's not every day you get to hold a pair of beautifully engraved colt mk IV's

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After cleaning these, I put them in my back holsters and get to cleaning the rest of the guns and grenades. When everything is clean and dust free, my phone rings. I pick it up and am greeted with Carmilla's voice. "Hello Jack, we are having a meeting today and it will involve your performance review so we would like for you to attend." "I would be honored to attend miss Carmilla, I'll see you there." I hang up and get ready for the meeting.


I was walking towards the elevators when I saw Alastor and Zestial with the egg bois. I call out to them. "Hold the elevator!" I step in with the two as well as frank the egg boi. "Ah Jack, how fare thee this day?" "It's been a quiet morning." I look towards Alastor. "I don't believe we have met, I'm Jack or Jackie if you prefer." Alastor shakes my hand as he introduces himself. "I'm Alastor, though I must admit you are a rather odd fellow choosing to look like a human. Are you a new overlord by any chance?" "No, I was just asked to attend this meeting." We enter the room alongside everyone. I sit next to the giantess as everyone takes their seat while Carmilla starts.

"Welcome hells sovereign overlords, I've invited you all here for two things. One is jack's evaluation and the second is the annual extermination being moved up." Zestial sits down and Carmilla greets him. "Hello Zestial, always good to see you, my friend ." "Enchanted as always Carmilla." She spots Alastor sitting next to Rosie. "Alastor?" "Yes, I know, I've been absent for some time. I'm sure you've all been wondering." "Not really. But welcome back in any case." Alastor was clearly annoyed with that comment but no one noticed or cared while Carmilla continued. "Now, Jack has kept the demons under his care alive, did anyone have any complaints during their stay?" No one spoke up. "Well then, it seems your test run was satisfactory, We'll be sure to send more demons and money next time. Now onto the extermination, it has been the most brutal it has ever been and now it has moved up sooner. Thankfully with jack's test run being successful, we should-" the door was kicked open by Velvette, who was talking on her phone.

"Yes, I've got it handled, Vox. Are you doubting me? Really? Me? That's what I thought. Yes, I know. They're all a joke. Thank you Vee. See you soon. Kisses darling." Carmilla didn't have a change of expression but you could feel the annoyance radiating from her. But she kept her professionalism regardless. "Nice of you to join us, Velvette. Will your... colleagues be joining?" "No. They have better shit to do than listen to an old windbag who thinks she's tough shit. I'm here to represent." Carmilla narrowed her eyes at Velvette's insult. Carmilla went back to the meeting only to get interrupted by Velvette waving her hand. "Speaking of discussion..." she throws the angels head onto the table. 'Here we go.' Carmilla asks first. "Where did you get this?" "We found it during extermination day. If these holy rollers can be killed, the game has changed. We can take the fight to them. The boys and I have come up with a full assault plan." She is interrupted by Zestial slurping his tea loudly.

"If thou wishes to desire war with such meager proof, then thou are far more foolish than I thought." "Meager proof? It's a dead fucking exorcist. I'd say that's pretty fucking definitive. You going blind old man?" "We know not how this exorcist perished. Perhaps 'twas not by a demons hands at all. If we rush to war mightn't they purge all of hell for daring an uprising?" Zestial slams his fist onto the table as he finishes. I raise my hand to speak.

"If I could throw in my two cents. Velvette, this "plan" you and the 3 Vees made? It's not gonna work and I'll give you 3 reasons why. Number one, we know nothing of heavens hierarchy. For all we know, these exorcists could be low level nobodies. Doesn't exactly bode well that in all the times that exterminations have been a thing that they have had only one fatality and you three want to "take the fight to them"? Number two, we don't know how they died. And I mean if it WAS a demon that clocked their ticket, then how did they do it? I don't think hell has been short of capable fighters over the years that would've tried so what were the circumstances that made them finally succeed? And number three, you found one of them dead and they moved the next extermination to six months. That's not a coincidence. They know and are planning on the grounds that we DO know how to kill them, which we actually don't. They are probably doubling down on whatever training they have as we speak to prepare for a nonexistent war. We don't have the element of surprise. They are going to come down and come down the hardest they've ever been. So, my advice? If you three want to commit suicide, Go right ahead, just don't drag the rest of hell along for the ride."

At this point I'm standing right next to Zestial and Carmilla and have tossed the head back to Velvette. She was pissed. "Fine! If you lot want to cower like the pussies you are then don't come to us when we win this thing." She storms off as Alastor claps his hands. "My my, not many people are willing to stand up to overlords. Especially the 3 Vees." "Yeah well, those three need a reality check. They can't do shit just because they feel like they can." I walk over to my seat as the meeting continues.

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