Befriending Carmilla and helping Charlie

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The meeting ends and I call out to Carmilla. "Excuse me, any chance I can speak to you privately or no?" "Of course, please follow me." We walked into her office. I sat down while she stood by the bar. "Drink?" "No thank you." She sat down at her desk. "So, what is it?" "Well I'm just gonna come out and say it. I know it was you who killed the exorcist." She stops sipping her drink and looks away. "I don't know what you are talking about." "Look, you are not exactly doing a good job at hiding it even now." She exhales in resignation. "Ok, I did it. What do you want?" "I want you to keep it to yourself." She rose a brow in confusion as i continued. "I don't know why you did it and I ain't gonna ask nor am I gonna hold it over your head like a guillotine." "Why? Why not tell everyone? What do you get out of it?" "Easy, a war means that the whole one day of killing would extend indefinitely with everyone on the chopping block, and that means that they would not stop until they get into my home. At least if the extermination was a one day thing, there would be a time limit or they would get bored after trying and failing a few times and go after easier prey. If anyone asks, say it was me. I'll just make up an excuse as to why I was outside." "Thank you." "Don't worry about it. I find it best to make friends with those reasonable than those unreasonable." I stand up and leave to get ready for tomorrow.

It was around noon when I was walking up to the hotel. I was wearing my full suit and overcoat as I was thinking about how this could go. Where was I going to go? Did I think this through? Screw it, I'm already here so might as well. I see Angel walk out angrily and we pass each other. I reach the door and listen in. "I could be so aggressively kind to Angel's boss that I convince him to let Angel spend more time at the hotel!" I knock on the door. "Excuse me, is miss Morningstar in? I would like to speak with her." The door opens and I am pulled inside.

"Oh my gosh, are you here for redemption? How long have you been in hell? What have you been doing while here?" Charlie was firing off question after question before I could answer. Eventually I just raise my hands to stop her. "Easy princess, the answer to the first three is: no, a few days ago, and I'm the warden of the prison nearby." Vaggie interjects. "Since when did hell have a prison? And why do you look human?" "Same day I showed up since I made it and I dunno why I look human." Charlie smiled. "I'm sorry, I got a little excited. What's your name?" "Jack or Jackie, whichever you want to call me ." "Ok Jackie, what brings you here?" "Well I figured I could extend my services to you and your tenants." "And that would be?" Vaggie taps her on the shoulder. "Hun, Angel?" "Oh right! Jackie, any chance we could talk on the way?" "Sure."

We were currently in a limo heading towards Valentino's studio. "So you said you were offering services?" "Yes, the prison I'm in charge of doubles as a safe haven for demons during the extermination." Charlie was wide eyed. "That sounds amazing! How do you do it?" "Reinforced concrete and steel helps tremendously. And the money I get from the overlords in exchange for keeping their workers safe goes to paychecks, food, repairs, etc." "Overlords like Valentino?" I see where she is going with this. "Yes." "Is there any chance you could help me convince Valentino to let a friend of mine get more time off?" "I don't think I have any kind of pull with him but I can offer some pointers to help you convince him to say yes. Pointer number one is to always keep your cool when talking to who you want to make a deal with." The limo comes to a stop in front of the studio.

Charlie peers her head in and I follow along. "Oh, so this is where the magic happens." We are then flashed by a purple wolf demon. 'Nice rack.' She shuffles aside and sees a demon getting covered in oil. Angel grabs her and whispers in an angry tone. "What in the ever loving fuck are you doing here?!" Charlie did not feel the same about the whispering. "I am the princess of hell and I go where I please!" She did decide to whisper now. "I'm here to get you some time off for the hotel. Now ,where's your boss?" Angel drags her towards the door as his boss calls him. Valentino notices us and approaches. "Ah, your majesty. Welcome to my humble sex dungeon. What can I do for such a-" he stops to lick Charlie's arm. 'God that's probably the creepiest thing you've ever done.' "Mm, lovely specimen! And Jackie, what brings you here?" "Kinda got dragged along by the princess here." "Are any of you interested in a role? I could make either of you famous. Richer than Charlie's papito." "We are both gonna have to pass as I'm not interested in my dick being on any kind of screen and she is here to discuss something with you when you have the time." I play damage control before Charlie freaks out and annoys him. Val turns around. "Well, we can talk after the shoot so make yourselves comfortable and enjoy the show. Let's take this shit from the top!" I grab Charlie and whisper to her. "I'm going to get some coffee, do NOT touch anything or bother any of the workers." I walk towards Val. "Where's the coffee?" "Down that hall, break room is to the right." I go as directed, doing my best to ignore the many naked demons on my way.

'Aw, what the fuck Charlie.' I came back to everything being on fire and Valentino pissed. I hold back to see him put out the fire and drag Angel to his dressing room. I speed walk towards Charlie. "I was only gone for a minute. What did you do?" "I-I might've tried to inform the microphone guy about the hotel, then I wanted to give some ideas for the movie, then I tripped on a plug and set everything on fire." She said all of this nervously. I could only sigh. "Well congratulations Charlie, now it going to take a miracle to convince him." "What kind of miracle?" "A spontaneous exorcist spear through his heart." Her face drops as Val drags Angel out or the room. He was being unnecessarily rough and that pissed Charlie off. She was about to hand Val his ass when Angel stepped in front and sent her off in tears. I followed after, not wanting to be in this place any longer.

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