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No such luck finding an adequate hideout or one that's not occupied. With nothing better to do I mess with my powers and manage to create the little army guys from my childhood. 'Wait, what if...?' I head outside the city to try and attempt to make a place. I close my eyes and try to visualize the prison from the suffering game. After a minute I open my eyes to see it worked. Now that I have a home I can now plan for future endeavors. 'Now to staff the place.' I summon some suppressors to patrol inside while burrowers patrol outside. I head to the wardens office to get ready for tomorrow. The office has a desk in the center with a couch and liquor cabinet to the left wall and bookshelf and record player to the right wall. I turn on the player and hop on the couch to sleep.


I wake up to a tug on my sleeve and see a darkness minion holding a letter."A letter addressed to you, monkey." "When the hell did I summon you?" "I came along with the prison as your assistant." "Anyone else?" "Horace, Hermes and Killjoy monkey." "What are they here for?" "Horace powers and controls the prison itself while Hermes commands the monsters." Speaking of, a green gas comes out of an air vent above my desk and forms the man himself. "I didn't see any signs of ill intent so i let them in. They left a letter in the mailbox so I had this... thing deliver it to you." Hermes spoke in his usual breathy way.

*15 minutes ago**Carmilla pov*

"So why has thou brought me with you?" My old friend Zestial spoke in his early modern English. "This building has appeared out of nowhere last night and we are going to see if we have another Alastor scenario on our hands." We walk down between chain link fences to what appears to be a visitor center. While we looked around, the sound of a film projector starts and a man in surgical scrubs appears behind a desk. "Well well well, our first visitors. Hello and welcome! I'm Dr. Killjoy, I'm the head doctor and psychiatrist of this place. May I ask, why are you here?" Zestial steps forward. "We wish to satiate our curiosity about this place as well as its creator." "Ah, well he is currently resting. Creating a whole prison out of nothing is quite taxing on the mind. If you wish to speak with him, might I suggest coming back in the next couple hours?" I step forward to answer. "Actually we have a meeting in a few hours, any chance he could stop by then?" "He'll be there. For now leave a note with the time and location and place it in the mail slot over there." Killjoy points to the Mail Drop Box and then disappears. I grab some paper and a pen and write down the requested information and leave it for whoever to collect.


'Ok, so two of the most important overlords are expecting me to show up. On one hand I would be exposing myself to dangerous beings, but on the other they could become allies who could make living here significantly safer and easier.' I was standing in front of the mirror after a shower. I was contemplating on going or not while covering my face in shaving cream. 'Let's see, friends and/or possible enemies or roughing it here in hell.' A clean face later and I make my decision, I just need to decide what to wear.

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