Pre-war party and wartime battle

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We were all partying before the battle tomorrow. Drinks were shared, people were getting laid, and everyone was enjoying their time before their potential demise. I was standing next to Charlie and Vaggie when I had an idea. There were no tunes and a certain snake wants to impress his crush. I walk on over to pentious. "Hey, you remember those musical lessons Charlie had us do?" "Yesss?" "Well let's put them in action." I get Alastor to conjure up an orchestra. I stand up to the microphone. "Alright everybody, we got a show for you all. Introducing sir pentious!"
I was the conductor and pentious grabs his baritone sax.

(Video above and pentious is still wearing his uniform)

When the song was done, Cherri grabbed pentious by the arm and dragged him away. Good for him, he deserves it. I head over to the girls again. "Jackie, that was amazing! I never knew pentious could play like that." "Yeah well, it was your idea to learn how to play an instrument, he just took the lessons to heart. Anyways, I gotta get back home." I wave goodbye to them and head home to get ready to defend my home.

The trio are in my office waiting for me. Dr. Killjoy speaks up. "So, what's the plan? Assuming you have one." "Everyone stays in their cells as the monsters patrol, Horace will keep them separate, and Hermes will disorient them." Horace raised a concern. "And what if they reach you?" "I will deal with them." Horace spoke. "So you have no plan beyond "fight them off"." "Odds are in our favor since Adam and Lute will be busy at the hotel. So if anyone has any better ideas, let's get to work."

It was time for the exorcists to come down and die. I hit the alarm button, letting people know to go into their cells. When they were all in, I sealed the rooms so the walls are doorless. The exorcists storm in but are gunned down by the marksmen, suppressors, and triggermen. The angels had enough of themselves to overwhelm the shooters. Little did they know, the horrors were just beginning.

*angel chick from chapter 4 pov*

I came here to kill that bastard for humiliating me. I don't know how he is capable of killing us, but it doesn't matter. I WILL kill him. We finally get past those creatures with guns but chains pop out of vents and drag a few of us into them. We watch out for them but now a new creature pops out of puddles of blood and inject a substance into an exorcist. She isn't dying but she isn't doing any killing anytime soon. Gunfire erupts in front of us and the bastard himself shows his face.

*jackie pov*

I was waiting for them to bust down my door. I had my two pistols with me and was ready to fight. As soon as that door opened I shot first and didn't ask any questions. I wandered through halls shooting any angel in my way. The heads tore through any that tried to sneak up behind me. Eventually I reach a familiar face. "Ah, it's you. Whatever your name is." "My name is-" "I don't care, you broke into my house and threatened my people. You're not leaving here alive." I unleash hell upon those angels and sweep up any stragglers. With the prison clear, I recreate the creatures and head over towards what's left of the hotel. Adam was doing his usual self entitled monologue when I approach him and kick him in the dick. "Look, I don't care who you are. One more word and I shoot you in the throat." "" He tries to charge up an attack but I shoot him dead. Lute grabbed his halo and went back to heaven. I face the group. "Looks like we won." Charlie looks at me sadly. "But we lost pentious." "Ya know something Charlie? I actually think he's right up in heaven, waiting for us. The guy sacrificed his life to save you. He's more than earned it." She smiled sadly.

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