Husker and Angel

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We were heading back to the hotel while Charlie was crying about failing to help Angel and making things worse. "Charlie, Val was never gonna listen to you. He was gonna continue to control Angel because that's who he is. He doesn't care about anyone but himself and is willing to use any underhanded tactic to make sure he benefits more." "Then what was I supposed to do?" "You should've beat his ass regardless of Angel stepping in." Charlie shook her head. "No, that wouldn't have helped." "The only reason things didn't get better for Angel is because you caved, you backed down when Val played dirty and pit Angel against you. Angel only defended him cause he was scared of whatever consequences Val would've made so you should've gone all out and showed him no matter how much power Val has he is still nothing compared to you and would be safe. Let me tell you a story my father told me."

"You understand Charlie?" She nods. "Angel ain't going to do shit agains Val, but you can and you have to if you want to help him. You can't just back off when someone pushes back or your generosity says "compromise". If you do, someone you care about will end up just like that woman or worse." "But I didn't want to hurt him." "Charlie, there are many different things you could've done. But your kind nature didn't let you think they were options. You could have ordered him as the princess of hell to step aside or had your two goats restrain him. No physical harm done to Angel." "I can't just do that stuff." "You can, you just don't want to. Sometimes the right thing doesn't feel like it is, Charlie." We rode in silence the rest of the way to the hotel.

It was the next day when I walked towards the bar as Charlie was sitting on the couch with keekee. "Hey, you got anything non alcoholic?" "You're at a bar." "In a hotel." Husk shrugged his shoulders and grabs a can of soda and places it on the countertop. I crack it open and drink as Angel walks towards the bar. He slams his face down as he asks for a strong drink. "You look like shit." Angel just plays it off. "Not possible. Just a long shoot, nothing new." He downs his drink. "I said a strong one." "Excuse me. Didn't realize this was a "drinking to forget" kind of night." "Oh, i forgot. You are the wise old bartender who's seen it all. Get the fuck over yourself and pour me a real drink." Angel tips over the new drink husk just poured him. Husk just cleans it up. "Look, you're not going to find the solution at the bottom of a bottle. I should know, I've been looking there a long time." "Oh sure, and where should I look? Hmm? In your bedroom? Under the covers? Maybe we can go and look together." Husk was getting irritated. "Don't even start." "Oh come on, I bet I can make those wings flap." "STOP!" Husk pushes Angel, making him drop the bottle he was holding. "Fucking Christ! You can cut the act already. It's never going to work on me. So all you're doing is making an ass out of yourself with all this fake bullshit." Angel gets furious. "CALL ME FAKE ONE MORE TIME, MOTHER FUCKER! I dare you!" "Fake." "Fucking asshol-arrgh god!" Angel hits his head and falls over. "You done?" He sits up, angry. "You know what? You would be fucking lucky to get a chance to fuck me!" He throws what's left of the bottle and starts to look crazy. "You know how much I'm worth? You know how many people would kill to have Angel Dust come onto them? Fuck you! Have fun being a lonely piece of shit." He shoves Vaggie out of the way as he storms off. She looks towards our direction. "What did you two do?" "I only poured him a drink and he was minding his own business." Husk pointed towards me when he brought up what I was doing. I stood up and was leaving. "I should be going. Charlie, it was nice seeing you again. Husk, thanks for the drink." I head out to get some lunch.

I was walking down the street, food bag in hand, when I see Husk and Angel arguing. "-and maybe he'll let me go." "That's not a road you want to go down. Burger?" I hold up my bag as They both look at me. "The hell are you talking about?" I stand next to Angel. "Look Angel, that road will not end the way you want. There will just be this empty pit that no amount of drugs, booze, or sex could ever fill. And believe me, you'll certainly try. You'll be so desperate that you'll see only two ways to make it stop. Number one." I put two fingers to my temple and mimic a gun firing. "And number two is going to the first person that offers to fill that void. Then you're back to the beginning. And that's if Val lets you go. If he doesn't then you'll just be this drone going through the motions. Unfeeling and empty. No more love from your vices or hobbies." Husk tells his story as we listen and I eat a burger. He then starts singing while I throw the wrapper in the bag. He then starts his song.

I interrupted as soon as Angel understood he wasn't alone. "The song is nice but I think the sharks are coming for blood." As soon as I said that, the sharks come storming out. I grab my gun and summon a ballistic shield and opened fire while Angel and husk attack with their own weapons.

 I grab my gun and summon a ballistic shield and opened fire while Angel and husk attack with their own weapons

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We kill off the sharks and head they head back to the hotel while I go back to the prison.

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