🔪☀️Chapter fifteen☀️🔪

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Sorry for not updating much, I've been really depressed and anxious with what's happening on my Wattpad right now.

Also I feel I need to tell you guys this isn't a smut story 😭 Stop waiting for smut


Not long after his brother caught he and his soulmate in the act, Muzan had fallen asleep from exhaustion so Yoriichi had laid him in their bed hoping for the demon to heal properly. After that he had brewed up some tea for his brother and himself and they were know standing awkwardly in the kitchen with their hot beverages. Michikatsu didn't really know what to do, he had only come back to ask his brother if they could start talking more again, since they had been so distance before. But then he walked in on... that. Michikatsu had a somewhat traumatized look on his face, it was just two men kissing and nothing more, but... it was his brother... and he didn't actually expect to be seeing THE Muzan Kibutsuji.

Yoriichi gave him an awkward looking smile and he put the now empty teacup down. "You... should go..."

That was actually all Michikatsu needed to here, he really wanted to leave but he thought it would be rude now. "Yeah... bye."

Yoriichi watched his brother put his cup down which was hardly touched and the man dashed to the door. Michikatsu opened up the door and looked back at Yoriichi. "One more thing... just out of curiosity, there won't be... demon babies?"

The other man blushed. "WHAT?! NO!"

"Just wondering..."

Michikatsu had left out the door, leaving Yoriichi there very confused, he discussed this with Muzan already, he wasn't even completely sure if female demons could have babies, it's never been seen before. He wiped his forehead, he should probably stop thinking about this now, it didn't matter that much to him... or did it? Yoriichi put the dishes into the sink, he didn't really know what to do about the whole situation now. Were him and Muzan... like... dating now? They didn't just kiss, they made out, or tried to before Michikatsu came in. Yoriichi shook his head and started scrubbing the dishes with a cloth.

"I... I know..."

Yoriichi flinched and almost dropped the cup he was holding when he heard the sudden voice from the hallway, for a moment he thought he was schizophrenic but turns out it was just the sickly looking boyfriend, except he wasn't supposed to look so... messed up, his injuries still weren't fully healed but they were getting better. It suddenly hit Yoriichi, Muzan was injured, and how did he get up so fast? Usually his naps last days.

"Muzan! What are you doing up, you need rest." Yoriichi had put the dishes in the sink and tried to usher the demon back to his bedroom.

"No!" Muzan refused, "I know where he is!"

"You mean the demon that killed my wife? Muzan, it's okay, you don't have to worry about my problems right now, just rest."

Muzan glared at him and pointed a finger at his face, his long sharp blue nail touching Yoriichi's chin. "It's not just about you! He never told me he was resistant to wisteria."

Yoriichi was dumb founded by the demon's words, then he remembered it was Muzan, he's supposed to be power hungry when it comes to a fix to his weaknesses. Yoriichi put his arm around Muzan and started to lead him back to the bedroom, the demon looked like he was getting weaker, he needed to sleep, or consume a human, but Yoriichi found one of those options better than the other.

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