Chapter 1 (Edited)

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Authors Note: I've started re-reading chapters to make sure the storyline adds up, along with Grammar and spell-checking chapters. If you notice anything that doesn't quite add up let me know in a comment and I'll go through the chapter and edit any errors or mistakes made. I hope you enjoy 'Toxic Past' 

I also wanted to add if you or anyone you know is going through a violent relationship of any kind. There are resources and help available, you deserve to be loved and you deserve nothing but the best things in life. 

Train 15 hours from Chicago 

Samantha sat on the train staring off out the window watching the scenery go by. However she wasn't paying attention, she was thinking back to last night before she boarded the train. She got into a massive fight with her boyfriend... ex-boyfriend and it ended with him nearly killing her. Sam let out a shaky breath slightly wincing as the exhale caused her busted lip and ribs to ache. 

She was a mess when she boarded the train, she didn't have enough money or any to get the ticket. Sam ended up calling her older brother last night crying after what unfolded with Evan. Jay bought her the train ticket and emailed it to her. Telling her he'd be there to pick her up from the train station. It's not that Sam didn't have money just that Evan took it from her, he wouldn't let her spend it and would tell her she didn't need to waste it on 'stupid useless shit' even if it was something she needed. 

Sam just hoped Evan would leave her alone, especially since she up and moved across the country. She wouldn't be guilted into going back this time, if he was really sorry for hurting me and it wouldn't happen again and like a fool she believed him... Until last night when she nearly died at the hands of him, and she realized he would never change. 

15 Hours Later

Union Station, Chicago Illinois

Eventually, the swaying of the train put her to sleep, after what felt like seconds Same woke up to the train slowing down. The brunette looked out the window instantly recognizing the skyscrapers that surrounded her. With a deep breath, Sam put her leather jacket back on and made her way off the train. 

She stepped off onto the platform walking through the crowd, Sam looked around noticing her older brother Jay standing near the exit. The siblings locked eyes at the same time as they walked over to each other. "Hey Sammi," Jay said pulling her into a hug. Instant pain shot through her ribs causing her to inhale a shape painful breath. 

Jay let go looking at her confused as he began to notice the cuts and bruises on her face and the unmistakable bruises on her neck. "Sammi, what happened?" he asked worried the pain clear in his voice as he looked at his little sister. He didn't know what to expect after the call he got last night but he didn't expect to have his sister step off the train beaten up either. Sam stayed silent as her gaze fell to the ground. "Who did this to you?" he asked softly as he tilted her chin to look at her neck. 

Sam moved back from the touch, "Did you bring a bag with you?" Jay asked changing the subject when he realized she was shutting down. Sam shook her head no, which confused him and made Jay wonder what happened to her? as he led her to his parked pickup truck. Sam climbed into the passenger seat trying to ignore the pain throbbing from her ribs. 

Jay climbed into the driver's seat looking at Sam for a moment before he started the truck and they started driving. "Wanna grab something to eat?" her older brother asked glancing at her as they stopped at a red light. Before Sam could say anything her stomach growled loudly reminding her she hadn't eaten anything since the day she left Los Angeles. "I'll take that as my answer, what do you wanna have? it's on me," Jay replied. 

Sam was surprised, "Really?!... I mean are you sure?" she added trying not to sound so surprised. Jay raised an eyebrow toward her, "yes, I'm sure. We can get deep dish pizza, or Belgian waffles, the purple pig? Jay added. "can we order pizza and watch a movie?" Sam asked causing Jay to nod his head yes. "Of course!" he replied as they continued the drive. 

Jay Halstead's Apartment building, Chicago Illinois 

Jay parked his truck on the curb outside the building and led Sam inside the building and into his apartment. He couldn't quite place it but something felt off with Sam, he took his shoes off watching his sister do the same. 

Sam looked around the space, she didn't know what to do. "Make yourself comfy, I'm gonna order the pizza. Anything specific you want on it?" Jay asked. "I'm good with any toppings," Sam replied, in reality, she'd just pick off what she didn't like. Asking for a specific topping on a pizza would start an argument with Evan. 

Hell, most of the time he'd order food for himself and say 'I didn't know you wanted anything, plus the grease will go straight to your thighs' or something along those lines. Sam sat down on the couch pulling her legs in front of her as her mind started drifting back to almost 2 nights ago. The screaming, glass smashing, Evan throwing her around, punching her, kicking and choking her out until she passed out.

"You okay?" Jay asked causing Sam to jump startled by the sound of his voice. The brunette looked around the room reminding herself she wasn't there anymore, Even couldn't hurt her anymore. She was over 2,000 miles away, Sam reminded herself realizing Jay was still looking at her with worry written on his features. She nodded, "I'm good," Sam said softly. 

"Want something to drink?" he asked her, "Can I have some water, please?" Sam asked. Jay nodded and made his way back into the kitchen off the living room. "The pizza should be here in the next half hour, and Will is stopping by for a few hours," Jay replied as he walked back into the room and handed Sam a cup of water. "Thank you," she said as she drank almost the entire cup. 

Jay turned the TV on and put on Lilo and Stitch knowing it was one of Sam's favorite movies when they were kids. It didn't take long for a knock to sound on the apartment door, the sudden noise caused Sam to nearly jump out of her skin. Jay got up from his seat keeping his gaze on Sam who seemed really jumpy and startled easily. 

The signs he was picking up from Sam, he'd seen it before working with the Chicago Police Department on domestic cases. Jay walked over to the door hoping he was wrong about what was going on with Sam. He pulled the door open revealing Will's tall figure holding a box of pizza. 

Will walked in and Jay shut the door behind him, Sam got up from the couch walking over to the door to see her oldest brother Will. "I'll put this on the counter and grab some plates," Jay said taking the pizza box from Will who paused when he saw Sam. She had a massive black eye, a split lip. "Hey," Sam said not entirely sure what to say. "Sam, what happened?" Will asked eyes widened at the state of her as he noticed the massive bruises on her neck. 

Sam stayed quiet for a second not looking either of her brothers in the eye. Suddenly she was pulled into a hug by Will, "I'm really glad you're home, how long are you in Chicago?" Will asked letting go of their hug, as Jay brought 2 plates out from the kitchen handing one to Sam. "I was kinda planning to stay in Chicago," Sam said as she walked over and sat down on the couch with her pizza. 

Jay and Will looked surprised by her news, "Your staying in Chicago?" Jay asked a little surprised. "What about California? I thought you loved it there?" Will asked her. "I did..." Sam said sadly. "Sammi, what's going on? Are you in some kind of trouble?" Jay asked concerned. Sam went quiet staring at the pizza again. "Whatever it is you can tell us," Will added, Sam let out a shaky breathe. "just. don't get mad at me please?" she asked more to Jay than Will. 

The two exchanged a look of worry, "We won't get mad, just tell us what's going on" Jay replied. "I was seeing a guy in California and things were great at first... then things got bad, he'd get really mad and..." Sam let out a shaky breath not wanting to look at either of her brothers. "he'd hurt me..." Sam said as her voice cracked, "I should've left then, that first time. He's say he's so sorry, and he didn't mean to, and like a complete idiot I'd stay," Sam said as she started to cry. 

Will and Jay were stunned for a moment before Will pulled her into a hug. "Sammi your not an idiot. You just see the best in people," Will said holding her. "Is he the one that did this to you?" Jay asked trying to stay calm as he referred to her current injuries. Sam slowly nodded her head, "yea" her voice was barely a whisper. 

Toxic Past (One Chicago / Criminal Minds Fanfic) x (Halstead Sister)Where stories live. Discover now