Chapter 8 (Edited)

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Firehouse 51, Chicago Illinois

Sam stood in the corner of the kitchen trying to take slow deep breaths hoping Evan believed Matt and Kelly when they said she didn't work here. "He's gone, are you okay?" Sylvie asked walking over to her. Sam nodded slowly trying to get her thoughts straight, "Why don't you come take a seat your looking really pale," Sylvie said as she led Sam out of the kitchen. 

Sam held her breath as she walked around the corning hoping Evan was really gone. She let out the breath when she saw he was gone and Kelly and Matt were standing in the doorway watching Sam as she took a seat at the table. "What was that about?" Herrman asked confused looking between Matt and Sam along with everyone else in the room. 

"Here," Gabby said setting a cup of water in front of Sam who was staring at the table wondering how the hell he knew she was there? she let out a few breaths and took the cup of water taking a sip. "thanks," she replied quietly letting out a shaky breath as she felt everyone looking at her. Sam looked up at Matt and Kelly for a moment, "thank you," Sam said to them just loud enough for them to hear before she walked out of the room, down the hall, and into the locker room. 

Sam pulled out her phone and sent a message to Jay. 

'Evan just showed up at 51 looking for me... I'm okay but how the fuck does he know where I am?' -Sam

The brunette let out a breath as she took a seat on the bench between the lockers. Within a minute her phone started ringing as Jay's name and number appeared on the call ID. "hey," She said answering the call instantly. "He showed up at 51? Are you okay? I'm on my way over there now," Jay said instantly worried. "I'm okay..." she said honestly and explained how she hid and he didn't see her, and how Matt and Kelly told him she didn't work there; basically saving her life without realizing it. 

"I'm on my way over there now, I'm gonna bring Mouse with me. He might be tracking your phone, it would explain how he knows your in Chicago and  at 51." Jay replied. "Okay, I'll see you soon," Sam said noticing Gabby, Sylvie, Matt, and Kelly walked into the locker room. Sam ended the call and looked at her colleagues knowing they wanted to know what just happened. "Are you really gonna make us ask?" Gabby asked Sam, who shook her head no. 

"You know how I said things got complicated with a guy in California, and that's why I came back?" Sam said more than asked earning a nod from Sylvie and Gabby. Kelly and Matt didn't say anything. Sam looked away from them focusing on the bench in front of her as she tried to find the words. "did he hurt you?" Matt asked quietly as nodded and kept her gaze down as tears formed in her eyes. "it g-got really r-really bad," Sam whispered as she slowly Sam pulled her long sleeve up under her uniform shirt. 

They watched her intently noticing the multiple small burn scars on her arms, Sam had tears running down her face. "That's why you left California," Gabby said more than asked. "i- I left b-because... h-he." Sam took a breath. "h-he almost k-killed me," she said not looking at any of them. Gabby instantly sat down next to Sam and pulled her into a hug along with Sylvie. 

Neither of them said anything for a bit, "we got you," Gabby finally said when she let go of their hug. "Sam? Sammi?" Jay's voice called down the halls of the firehouse as her older brother appeared behind Matt and Kelly. Sam looked up at Jay who was relieved to see Sam was okay, the detective walked over and pulled her to her feet and into a hug. After a second he let go of Sam before looking at Matt and Kelly. "Thank you, for looking out for Sam," he replied as Mouse walked over to Sam.

She handed him her phone and he unlocked it and started going through it. "So what are you guys planning on doing about this guy?" Kelly asked Jay crossing his arms. "I knew it," Mouse said, "He's been tracking your phone with an app," Mouse replied as he turned the phone off entirely. "I can wipe the app and do a deep scan on your phone to make sure there's nothing else he's using to track you," Mouse offered as Sam nodded her head still shaken up by the fact Evan not only followed her from California but was also tracking her. 

"You should talk to Boden," Matt said as Jay nodded. They started walking out of the locker room and down the hall. Sam felt on edge as she made her way to Chief Boden's office, "Detective Halstead, what brings you by?" Chief Boden asked as he shook Jay's hand. 

Kelly, Matt, Gabby, and Sylvie were also in the chiefs office. Sam started zoning out staring at a spot on the floor. Her mind drifted off to the night Evan choked her into unconsciousness. "We can call into the floater pool if you need to take the rest of the shift off Sam?" Boden offered. "I can cover ambo for her if that's okay with Lieutenant Casey?" Gabby offered. "I'm good with that," Matt replied agreeing with Gabby's idea. 

"i-i don't wanna bail on my first shift," Sam said quietly. "Nobody is gonna think anything if you take the rest of the shift to try to wrap your mind around this. Until this guy is caught I'm gonna keep you in the house starting next shift," Chief Boden said. "thank you chief," Sam said softly as she started walking to the door. Sam was surprised Boden didn't send her home until the entire mess was sorted out. "Sam, this firehouse is a safe space. We're a family in this house, and we look out for family. Go home and get some rest, I'll see you next shift," Chief Boden said as Sam nodded saying thank you to him, Matt, Kelly, Gabby, and Sylvie. 

Jay and Sam made their way out of Boden's office and out to the hall where Mouse was waiting for them. Jay led Sam outside to his pickup truck sitting in the driveway, she was so lost in a whirlwind of emotions she didn't say anything to anyone else in the house before she hopped into the backseat of Jay's truck. 

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