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It is now mine and Cades birthday. I wake up to Jacob making me breakfast in bed and he bought me a necklace that he put along the side of my breakfast. "Thank you Jacob." I blush. "Happy 23rd birthday baby." He kisses my forehead. "Can you put this on for me?" I hold out the necklace. He nods and comes over. I stand up from my bed and move my hair to the side. He presses his strong warm body against mine as he puts the necklace on me.

    He plants a kiss on my neck as his hand slowly trails down my spine. I felt shivers take over my body, I felt this feeling before... with Oakley. The thought of Oakley sent me off into a different mindset. Every touch that Jacob would give me, I would think of Oakley. "I'm gonna go shower." I say breathily. "Um...alright." He presses his lips together.

I go in the restroom and my chest was moving up and down uncontrollably. I quickly turn on the shower and just stand and stare at the droplets. Everytime I think about Cench it just takes me into a quiet place which makes all my thoughts go crazy. I step into the shower and just let my body relax.

As I get out I hear a knock at the bathroom door. "Yeah?" I yell. "Hey bestie I'm here!" Maddie speaks from the other side of the door. "Maddie? You're here early." I wrap the towel around my body. "Yeah well your mom and I have a lot to do." She says. I open the door. "My mom is here?" I question. "Yeah she's setting stuff up on the backyard." She smiles at me.

    "Oh god I better go help her!" I look through my underwear drawer and slid them on with my towel still wrapped around me. "No, no, no... you are going to go out and get ready for your birthday. Your mother and I have made different appointments that Cade will be taking you to." She smiles. "Cade?" I raise an eyebrow. "He wants to show you he's sorry by spending the day with you." She says.

"Are you sure I can't just stay here and help?" I sigh. "Please go, your brother needs you as much as you need him." She softly speaks. "Pleaseeee my brother doesn't need me, especially when he has you around." I joke going into my closet. Then I come back out with sweats and a hoodie on. "Come to think of it... you HAVE been spending a lot of time with my brother. Do you have anything to tell me?" I raise my eyebrow. "No!
Of course not! We're just friends! Your brother? Pleaseeee as if." She laughs nervously. "Right." I laugh suspiciously.

    "Already then! Put on your shoes and head out! Cade should be outside in the car waiting...and remember the theme is vintage." She rushes out, almost avoiding the conversation. "Weirdo." I chuckle to myself. I put on my shoes and pick up my hair into a messy bun.Walking out my room Jacob swoops me with his big arms"Hey baby where you going?" He holds my waist. "Cade is waiting for me outside to go shopping and get ready." I smile up at him. "Have fun alright?" He kisses my lips. I nod. "And make sure he doesn't invite any brits!" He shouts out before I close the front door. I knew who he meant...

Cade waits for me outside the car, as soon as he sees me he rushes up to me and picks me up. "Happy birthday twin sister." He hugs me tightly. "Happy birthday." I struggle to breathe. "Sorry." He puts me down. "Are you ready to go shopping?" He rubs his hands together. "Aren't I always ready to go shopping?" I laugh. He opens the door for me and I step in. As he steps in the car he buckles himself in.

    "Here." He hands me an envelope. "What's this." I say taking it out of his hand. "The money I owe you." He utters. "Cade I-" "No Jay... you were right I really fucked up." He shakes his head. "Yeah you did." I nod in agreement. He gets caught off guard by my response. I laugh. "It was a mistake Cade, I love you and you're my brother. I will always be here for you... even for your fuck up."

I squeeze his shoulder reassuringly. He smiles at me. "I always wonder how I got so lucky to have a sister like you, then I remember... we shared the same womb so how couldn't I?" He says cockily. "Oh shut up." I roll my eyes playfully. "Let's get going." He turns on the car.

   We get to the mall and go into different stores. We ran around like little kids as if we were 6 again. We ended up stopping at the food court. We sit in front of each other as we finish our food. "Hey uhm, I've been wanting to tell you... I invited Cench to the party." Cade says. I almost choke on my food. "You did what?" I say swallowing it down. "Look Jade, he's sorry too and he just wants to be there for me." He explains.

   I think about what happened between us, now more than ever. Cade doesn't know that we had any romantic thing going on between us, and I don't think I couldn't even tell him considering how close they are. "If Jacob asks... you invited him." I speak. He looks at me with a grin on his face. "Thank you Jade you're awesome." He says.

    Jacob is not going to like this at all. I have to figure out a way to keep them separate the entire night, because Jacob loves to fight and I don't think I want to see them throwing punches at each other at my own birthday party. I also have to keep my distance from Cench or Jacob will not like it... although deep down inside Cench being there kind of made me happy.

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