Chapter 7 - The need to sleep

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Disclaimer: The Show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

The wolf in me

Chapter 7 – The need to sleep.

No one's pov.

It was early afternoon and Tori was trying to write a song on the piano, when her mother came in. She was holding 2 grocery bags.

Placing the bags on he counter, Holly called out. "Tori, could you please help me bring in the groceries. I have more bags in the car."

Tori hopped off the piano bench and moved to the door. "Sure mom"

A few minutes later, Tori was bringing in the last of the bags. As she set it down, her mom said.

"Thank you Tori, can help me put away the groceries and while were doing that we can have a talk."

Tori placed a gallon of milk in the fridge. "About what?"

"Jade. I had a talk with her today."

A frown formed on Tori's face as she visibly tensed up. "What did you say to her?" Tori said with an accusatory look.

"Relax Tori, we had a chat. I wanted her to know what she was getting into. Let her know she had options. I trust you, but I still needed to talk with her." Holly Vega said as she continued to put away groceries.

Tori still didn't look too happy. "Mom, I don't like you going behind my back like that."

"Tori!" Holly snapped in a loud tone. "There's something you need to know."

Tori huffed "What?"

"I know you've begun bonding with Jade and I know you love her. But what you don't know is that Jade has begun bonding with you."

Tori suddenly looked very confused. "How? She shouldn't be able to bond with me."

"Jade didn't know it herself, but she has werewolf blood in her. Though she isn't one herself."

In a moment of pure shock, Tori's jaw fell silently open.

"It's true, her father's mother's family, they are werewolves. Though her grandmother herself isn't. It's not a family I ever heard of, but Jade is descended from werewolves."

Tori leaned up against the kitchen counter as it all set in. "And because of this, Jade has begun to bond with me?"

Holly smiled. "Yes, she has. Her werewolf heritage has given her the ability to do so."

"Oh my god, Jade can bond with me." Tori said with ever growing excitement. Just knowing that was like music to her ears and filled her heart with pure joy. Tori knew that bonding was part of their way of life and it saddened her to know that Jade couldn't bond with her. But now Tori, much to her excitement, knew now that Jade could be her mate in the truest sense.

"That's great mom! But wait a sec, you said you told her she had options? What did she say?" Tori said suddenly getting nervous.

Holly put a hand on Tori's shoulder. "She wants to continue seeing you and bond with you. Oh and before I forget. She's having problems sleeping as a result of the bonding. I've discussed it with your father; she can stay with you until it passes."

Tori's eyes nearly bugged out of her head, causing her mother to laugh. "Here take the keys, and go over to her place. I won't need the car the rest of the day. You know that until this passes, she won't sleep an hour or two a night without you."

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