Chapter 12 - Popping the clutch

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

The Wolf in me

Chapter 12 – Popping the clutch.

No One's POV

"What's going on? What are you going to do?" Asked David Vega nervously. Normally the policeman would be calm, but this was no normal situation.

"The only way to stop Jade from becoming a vampire, is to turn her into a werewolf. She's got some blood in her which is slowing her turning into a vampire, but it can't stop it. I'm sorry but it's the only way."

David Vega nodded, took a deep breath and collected his thoughts. "Ok. What do you need me to do?"

Frank picked up the limp, cold and pale form of Jade off the couch. "Get me some good rope, and a wooden spoon."

He then looked to Holly. "Take my keys, and get my doctors bag out of the car. Meet me upstairs."

Frank carried the unconscious form of Jade up the stairs. He could tell just by looking at her, she was beginning to fade fast. Time was of the essence.

He took her up the stairs and laid her on Holly and David's bed. A moment later David Vega showed up, rope in hand.

"OK, David, I need you to strip her naked and tie her down. Hands and legs."

David hesitated, as a look of unease formed on his face.

"It's nothing like that David. This will be to keep Jade from hurting herself or one of us. The clothes she's wearing will tear off when she transforms. No point in ruining them."

As David Began his work, Jade opened her eyelids weakly. "Wha?" she said.

Frank looked Jade in the eyes. "Jade, listen carefully. You're dying and unless we do something you will be a vampire very soon. The only way to stop that, is to turn you into a werewolf. We need to wake the wolf that is sleeping down deep inside you. Do you understand?"

"Yes" Jade responded, her voice failing.

"I'm sorry but the way we're going to do it, is going to hurt like a son of a bitch. Focus your mind on Tori, it will help you through it. "

Jade nodded weakly. Jade knew that waking the wolf inside of her, was the only way. It was scary but the thought of becoming a soulless killer, was even more so. Not to mention, this was the only way to save Tori.

But as she seemed to fade, she mumbled. "Fenrir"

Frank suddenly stopped what he was doing.

A very surprised look appeared on Franks face. "What did you say Jade?" Jade however only fell back asleep.

"What does that mean?" asked David Vega, as he finished his work.

"It's not important now. I need you to hold the spoon between her teeth. It will be to keep her from biting her tongue off. She will be in horrible pain."

Holly arrived a few moments later with the doctor's Bag.

Frank quickly rolled up his sleeve. "Do you know Jade's blood type?"

Both Holly and David shrugged.

"Well, I'm blood type O, so unless she's got some strange blood type, I'll have to do." Frank then turned to his sister. "Sis, I need you to turn into your wolf form."

"What's the plan? I'm not sure what's going to happen." David Vega asked.

Frank began to prepare a tube and needle. "Jade's fading fast, I say she has less than an hour at this point. Holly's going to bite her, but that won't be enough. A bite alone would take too long to turn her into a werewolf. She'd die before she would transform. It would take several hours for her to transform with just a bite. We'll need a blood transfusion from another werewolf to kick start the process. To put it in automobile terms, we're going to have to pop the clutch."

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