Chapter 14 - The New Queen

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

The Wolf in Me.

Chapter 14 – The New Queen

No One's POV

As Tori drove home, having escaped the vampire's lair, her already spinning mind suddenly noticed something else.

"Why is Jade driving Cat's Car?"

None of this made any sense at all. Jade a werewolf, Cat's car, the well-dressed chick with the blade that killed the last werewolf king. All of it made Tori's head hurt.

"What in the hell is going on?" Tori said to her naked and sleeping companion sleeping on the seat next to her. Tori could only hope that her mom and dad would have some of the answers to the hundred questions that were flying through her head. But Tori knew that at the moment, she had to stay focused on getting her and Jade to safety.

Across town, David Vega was pacing furiously back and forth continuing to worry about both Tori and Jade. She knew that Jade was very powerful, but was also nearly exhausted and inexperienced. If she ran into vampires, she may not be able to overcome them.

"David, Stop pacing. It's not helping." Snapped Holly, who was sitting next to Jade's father on the couch. "You have every werewolf police officer in the city searching for them. Frank has at least a dozen other of our people searching as well."

David stopped and nodded. Looking over at Holly and Jade's father, he could see they were still pouring over the west family history.

"These papers were my grandfather's he was meticulous about writing down family history. Though a few sheets were written in some language I can't read. Here they are." Thomas West said as he pulled out several very old sheets of paper and handed them to holly.

Holly studied them intently for a few moments. "It's written in our werewolf language. It's not used too often any more but I can read most of it. This combined with the family history you have, proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jade is in fact the current head of the house of Fenrir."

"She's the queen?" Said Frank from where he was standing in the corner.

But before anyone could say anything, a light from a car pulling into the driveway could be seen in the window.

"I'll see who that is." David said quickly rushing to the door. By the time he got outside, he saw much to his relief Tori carrying an unconscious Jade up the walk.

"TORI!" he called out as he rushed to grab Jade.

"Are you alright?" he said quickly.

"Tori." Holly called out from the doorway.

"Jade's exhausted. Please get her into bed. I want Frank to see if she's ok." Said Tori in an urgent tone of voice.

"I got her." Holly said, as she grabbed Jade from David and rushed her back inside.

With Jade safe, Tori could finally relax and let the confusion and distress that she had been holding back, flow.

"Daddy? Why is my Jade a werewolf. She saved me. I'm worried about her." A tired and confused Tori blurted out. Tears formed in Tori's eyes as a dam of emotions suddenly burst.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO MY JADE!" shouted, a now very upset Tori.

David quickly wrapped his arms around his upset daughter. "We had to change her into a werewolf. It was the only way to save her life. Please Tori you need to understand, there was no other way."

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