Chapter 18 - Gathering the troops

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

The wolf in me

Chapter 18 – Gathering the troops.

No one's pov

As Tori and Jade drove to the doctor's office where Tori's uncle worked, Tori paid close attention to her mate. Jade was driving, largely silent with a very determined look on her face. But Tori being her mate, could sense that Jade deep down was worried and scared. When each one was feeling strong emotions the other could sense it.

Tori knew Jade was covering up her fear, but it was there. She felt she had to do something.

Tori gently put a hand on Jade's leg. "Jade honey, pull over for a second."

Jade gave her a curious look. "Why?"

"Please baby, just indulge me. It will only be for a minute."

Jade Huffed. "Tori were in a hurry."

"Please baby." Tori pleaded.

Jade relented and pulled over to the curb. "What is it?" Jade said somewhat impatiently.

Tori put up her hands on either side of Jade's face and stared directly into the Goth's eyes.

"Jade, I'm your lover, girlfriend, and mate. I know you're scared and nervous deep down. I can feel it. I sense you saw something that scared you. I just want you to know that I love you and I will be at your side every step of the way. I'm not going to leave you, come hell or high water. Where you go, I go."

Tori then took both of Jade's hands into hers. "Your fate, is my fate."

Jade paused for a moment and looked deep into Tori's eyes as a single tear fell from her eye. It deeply touched to see the depths of Tori's devotion. Though she didn't feel worthy of it. She felt lucky to have a mate so closely bonded to her and loved her with all her heart. Jade just didn't know what to say.

"I love you Tori." Jade said, but then sighed. "Just between you and me, I am nervous."

Jade, you're the 2nd best actress I know, me being the first. "If you don't feel like you're a strong leader than just act the part of one."

Jade narrowed her eyes. "So you just gave me helpful advice and insulted me all at the same time. Looks like you're rubbing off on me."

Jade chuckled. "Just don't act too much like me, there's only room for one bitch in this relationship."

A few minutes later they were entering the waiting room of the doctor's office, where several people were waiting. Jade walked right past them to the door where the exam rooms were.

"You can't go in there." The receptionist said out loud.

"Watch me!" Jade said as she walked through the door.

"She's just barging in without an appointment, stop her" The receptionist said out loud to a rather large male nurse standing in the back.

The large nurse stepped in front of Jade and put his hand on her shoulder. "You can turn right around missy."

"Get your hand off me before I break it" Jade hissed.

Looking unimpressed, the nurse tried to turn Jade around towards the exit door. She instantly grabbed his hand and began to squeeze.

"Ahhhh...." The man started to scream in pain as Jade started to slowly crush his hand.

Jade gave the nurse a glare that burned through him. "Where is Doctor Cheney?"

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