Chapter 2 - Rag doll

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

The wolf in me.

Chapter 2 – Rag doll

Jade's POV

I read in the paper that evening, that the body of a convicted rapist was found in Haverbrook park. It stated, he was a prime suspect in a series of rapes that had occurred in the area. The article said he been killed by some animal and partially eaten. The police speculated it was a wolf, coyote or mountain lion that had come into the city.

"Serves you right fucker." I said to myself as I put the paper down.

I had decided not to mention anything of the encounter to my parents, Beck or anyone else. Let the stupid cops figure out that shit for themselves. I won't lose any sleep over any dead scumbag rapist, regardless.

A little while later I went over to Beck's trailer, where we sat on his couch and watched TV.

Beck glanced at the TV guide. "So, what do you want to watch next? I don't see much on TV."

I smiled with excitement and pulled out my latest acquisition from my bag. "Here it is baby, it was just released Saturday. The blue ray special edition DVD of "The Scissoring." With 92 seconds of extra footage."

Beck quickly groaned, "Uhhh....Not that again."

I hissed with displeasure and took the DVD out of the case. "I really want to see this."

"Well I don't. I know you love this movie. But isn't 50 time's enough." Beck's tone quickly became more sarcastic. "Ohh...It has 92 seconds of extra footage, like that's going to make that stupid movie any less sucky." From the expression on Beck's face. I could tell he hadn't meant to say that out loud.

My blood began to boil at this point. "Well if maybe if you wanted to go and do something, we wouldn't watch the movie so much. You're always broke or you just want to hang around here. And don't you call "The Scissoring" sucky ever again." I screeched at him.

Things went downhill from there and we had a major blowout. As I stormed out, it was already dark. I was wound up and needed to go for a run to burn off the tension. Though as I got in my car, I could have sworn I saw my wolf friend standing in the shadows not far away.

Dismissing it as an illusion, I drove home and got ready for a run. I decided on a route going away from the park.

I was on my 1st quarter mile when my wolf friend appeared behind me. She stayed back at first but soon enough she was running right beside me.

I smiled and kept going. I'll admit I felt safer having her around. Much better protection than a pair of scissors, I concluded. She stayed right next to me the entire time, never going more than a few feet away from me. Instinctively I knew she was protecting me. I liked being with her, it felt right. Like I had a strange connection with her.

I only ran 3 miles and stopped. I had burned off my tension and really didn't feel like going much further.

She escorted me home as she did the previous night, and she faithfully was my companion the next three nights.

The third night I ran a full ten miles. My wolf friend kept up with me the whole route.

As I stopped the wolf rubbed up against me and sniffed me all over.

I couldn't help but laugh. "Hey, you must really like me."

She whined in submission and rubbed against me even more. I felt comfortable around her, her fur was beautiful, brown and thick and she seemed to love it when I petted her.

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