Part 12

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Zoeys POV

Calum doesn't even care about me. So why does he have to ruin my life? It makes no since. If you hate me, then leave me alone. Don't just go on and ruin my life! Ugh I hate Calum Hood! He's been acting really weird lately ever since he found out I was friends with his sister. I just wish that Calum would either leave me alone, or just stick to his horrible self. I don't like it when they act different around me.

And what was Zayn doing?! Checking me out and touching me like that. He's so gross, I hate him. Zayn needs to keep his hands to himself. I decided to ignore all of my classes today because I was so mad at Calum and the other two. I just don't understand why they always pick on me. I literally have done nothing wrong to them! I don't know why they hate me so much.

I mean, how did they even plan this?! "Hey let's go pick on this random girl and ruin her life! Yeah that sounds good lets do that!" I rolled my eyes as I made an attempt to act like Zayn in my head. I hate those boys. They are so horrible towards me. What do they even do for the rest of their life?! Besides plan evil things in their dumb little brains. Oh yeah, I'm probably gonna die the next time I see Zayn cuz he wanted to punch me in the face a couple hours ago.

I frowned as I crossed my arms and I rested my chin on the table as I looked out the window. What am I going to do with my life? Is there any way I could escape these boys? Hmm, doubt it. Well, isn't this just an amazing way to spend your life! Living it in fear and pain at every moment. I honestly just wanna jump a cliff and die. I can't stand these boys anymore.

The last bell finally rung and I grabbed my backpack and I threw the strap over my shoulder and I quickly walked out of class. I kept my head down low as I looked down at my shoes. I heard lots of people mumbling conversations left and right as I walked alone. I sighed as I started to picture an image of what it will be like when Zayn finds me.
I shuddered at the horrible thought.

"ZOEY!! ZOEYYYY!" I heard my name get called out way far in the crowd by a male voice. Oh no. My eyes widen as I turned around and I saw a tan hand stretched out in the air as the rest of their body was blocked by the people's heads. "ZOEYYYY!" They screamed again. I gasped and I quickly turned around and I ran far from that person.

"ZOEY WAIT UP! ITS ME THOMAS! WHERE ARE YOU GOING ZOE?!" I heard Thomas yell as he caught up to me. I forgot he was a fast runner. "Thomas! Oh god I thought you were someone else." I said out of breath as we both stopped near a pillar. "Someone else? Like who?" He breathed out as he looked at me with beads of sweat on his for head.

"Um, never mind. What's up? Why did you want me?" I asked as I shook my head and I looked over at him. I barely made eye contact with my brother because I was so worried that Zayn or Louis or even worse, Calum, would see me with him. "Um I was just gonna tell you that my friend invited me over to spend the night, so I didn't want you all freaking out and stuff if you didn't see me at home." Thomas smiled.

"Oh you are? That's great Tom. And plus, I wouldn't have been home anyways, I have an upcoming project that I have to do with a partner." I said, faking a big smile. "Ugh, projects, gross." Thomas gagged as I giggled. "Yeah, tell me about it. Well I don't wanna keep you waiting. I'm sure your friends want you right now." I said as I looked around.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow afternoon then ok Zoey?" Thomas said. "Ok." I smiled. "Take care of yourself please, and the house when you get back. And if your partner is a guy, tell him to at least stay 5 feet away from you. Even though your my big sister, I don't want your heart getting broken anytime soon, or at all. I don't wanna kick anyone's arse." Thomas grinned.

I wanted to puke at the thought of that. "Trust me I'm not into him." I laughed. "Oh so it is a guy, where is he? I wanna meet him so I can tell him to stay away." Thomas teased. "Thomas go! Your friends want you. I'll be fine." I giggled as I pushed him. He laughed as he looked down at me while taking a step back. "Alright, love you sis." Thomas said as he walked up to me and gave me a hug.

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