Chpater Ten

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Chapter ten.

*Liams POV*

We had to leave the carnival about earlier cause the paps found out we were here and plus Bella was going mental from all the fair floss louis gave her.. But as soon as I put her in her cars eat she fell asleep. We arrived home I picked Bella up she srated wriggling around.

"Daddy?" Bellas small voice asked me.

"Yes baby?" I replied.

"I tired." She said rubbing her eyes.

"Well you can go to bed as soon as you have a bath." I replied talking her into the bath room.

I gave her a bath washing all the face paint of her face and washed her body. I put her into her princess pyjamas and tucked her into bed.

"Night bells" I said kiss the top of her head.

"Night daddy." She said while yawning.

I was pretty tired myself so I quickly had a shower and jumped into bed with dani. I woke up to soft cries, I looked over to my alarm clock it said 2:24am.

"Daddy?" Bella cried out.

I hopped out of bed and walked over to her room.

"What's wrong baby girl?" I asked.

"I scared." She said crying.

"Aw come here, there's nothing to be scared about." I said pulling her into a hug.

I rocked her back and forwards until she fell asleep again. Finally after watching her trying to fight to keep her eyes open she fell asleep. I walked back into my room and fell back to sleep.

"Uncle Niall that's funny." I heard Bella say from downstairs. I looked over to my alarm clock it was 10:02am wow I slept in.

"Do it again!" Bella cheered.

I walked downstairs to see what was happening. I heard Bella killing her self laughing.

"What's going on here?" I smiled.

"Daddy!" Bella said running to me and hugging my leg.

"Hey baby." I smiled while picking her up and putting her on my hip.

"Daddy look it raining weally bad!" Bella said while pointing out the window.

"Yeah it is. So do you know what that means?" I asked.

"Nope." She said.

"I means movie day! And we can also stay in our pyjamas as well." I smiled at her.

"Yay! Can uncle Lou, Hazza and Zayn come over as well?" She asked.

"Sure! I'll call them now!" I smiled.

I put her down and she ran to go tell Niall the news. Danielle had to go to dancing today so she won't be joining us sadly. I called all the boys up and they said they would love go come around. I got all the movies out and food and drinks. The other lads came over like half an hour later. We started watching toy story first. Yay!

After all the 3 toy story movies, monsters inc, up and shrek we were all pretty tired cause it was about 5:00pm dani should be home soon. The lads were gonna stay for dinner tonight we are just gonna order pizza. Danielle came home and ate some pizza then went to bed, she was really tired from dancing all day. A few minutes later the lads left.

"Okay Bella you need to have a bath cause you got preschool tomorrow! Are you excited?" I asked while picking her up.

"Yes!" She cheered.

"That's good." I smiled.

When I have Bella her bath she played around in her room for a while then went to bed. I packed her bag for tomorrow, some reason I'm quite nervous. It's not easy letting your little girl go off to preschool for the first time I hope she will be okay.

A/N- sorry its short I promise the next chapter to be longer! Thanks for all the reads and votes I have so much! Please comment, vote and follow me!! :) xxx

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