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୨⎯ Chapter 2⎯୧
"Cute Little Hobbits"

୨⎯ Chapter 2⎯୧"Cute Little Hobbits"

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THE NEXT MORNING arrived with the sun's gentle rays piercing through the curtains of my chamber. Aine and I had risen early, prepared for the journey that awaited us.

I stared at my mirror in front of me, looking at my reflection. Noticing all my features as my gaze moved across my face. Many thoughts had rushed through my head, was I ready for this? all i'd ever known was my kingdom. I know i'd always wanted to leave, but this was definitely not how I thought it would go. Having to marry the Elven prince? I wondered what Legolas would be thinking about our situation? surely he'd disapprove too. He'd have a better chance of getting us out of it than I. Mother is as stubborn as a mule, but than again so is King Thranduil. We're royally screwed I thought, as my shoulders sagged in disappointment.

A knock at my door disturbed my thoughts, my head turning to the sound. "Come in" I said. The door slowly creaks open to reveal Aine. "Your grace, the queen requests your presence, I believe the horses are ready" she said with a nervous tone. I raised an eyebrow at her voice. She must have been as nervous as I was. She gave me a small curtsy before leaving the room.

I turned back towards my room, scanning the over every piece of furniture, and fabric. Many memories came flooding back to me.

The time I hid under my bed during a game of hide and seek with Khellan, and the time I had been scared the living daylights out of by a servant and punched them in the nose. So many cheerful memories, my mother definitely didn't appreciate that.

I know I wouldn't be gone for too long, but it still hurt to leave such a comforting space.

As I took a deep breath in, I shook out all my nerves before turning on my heel and confidently strolling out my room, closing the door softly behind me.


As we made our way towards the courtyard, I couldn't shake the feeling of dread lingering in the air. The idea of an arranged marriage and the council meeting weighed heavily on my mind.

Khellan, stood nearby, offering a half-smile as he wished us farewell. "Safe travels, sister," he said, a hint of concern underlying his stoic expression. I gave him a playful smirk. "Oh, I'll try my best not to get into too much trouble. Can't promise anything, though." Aine's laughter chimed in, and even Khellan couldn't suppress a chuckle. "Take care of her, Lady Aine," he added, a genuine warmth in his eyes as he turned his attention to my closest friend. Aine nodded, her gaze meeting Khellan's. "I'll do my best, my lord." Something else seemed to linger in their air as they stared at each other, perhaps a sadness, or frustration? I stepped away as a guard approached us.

He bowed before us, "my Ladies, I will be accompanying you on your journey", "and what is your name ser?" Aine asked from beside me. "Caspian, my Lady". Honestly, he was quite good looking, but all Fae were. Maybe this trip wouldn't be so dull after all I thought. Aine must have known what I was thinking, because she nudged me with a disapproving look. I just simply shrugged my shoulders at her. It was merely a thought.

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