・.・Two ✓

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୨⎯ Chapter 2⎯୧
"Cute Little Hobbits"

୨⎯ Chapter 2⎯୧"Cute Little Hobbits"

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THE SUNS GENTLE rays pierced through the curtains of my chamber, bringing the dawn of our departure. Aine and I had risen with the first light, our movements quiet and purposeful as we made final preparations for the journey ahead.

I stood before my mirror, my gaze tracing the familiar contours of my face. The reflection that stared back at me seemed different somehow—older, perhaps, or simply burdened with the weight of duty. My mind raced with thoughts. I had always yearned for adventure beyond the borders of Caralis, but not like this. Not with an arranged marriage looming over me.

A soft knock at the door pulled me from my reverie. "Come in," I called, turning to see Aine slip into the room, her expression of nervousness.

"My princess," she said, dipping into a small curtsy, "the Queen requests your presence. I believe the horses are ready for our departure."

I raised an eyebrow at the tremor in her voice. "Nervous, Aine?" I asked, my tone gentler than I intended.

She managed a small smile. "Perhaps a little. It's a long journey to Imladris."

I nodded, understanding her words. This was more than just a mission; it was a step into the unknown for both of us.

With a final glance around my chambers, I allowed myself a moment of nostalgia. Every tapestry, every piece of furniture held a memory. I knew we wouldn't be gone forever, but leaving the comfort of home still stung.

Taking a deep breath, I squared my shoulders and strode towards the door. "Well then," I said, injecting a note of bravado into my voice, "let's not keep Mother waiting. We have a council to attend and, a marriage to rid."

Aine's soft laughter followed me as we made our way through the winding corridors of the palace.


The courtyard bustled with activity as we emerged into the crisp morning air. Khellan stood near the gates, his usual smirk softened into a look of concern. As we approached, he stepped forward, enveloping me in a brief but fierce hug.

"Safe travels, sister," he murmured, his voice uncharacteristically gentle. "Try not to start cause any problems, will you?"

I pulled back, fixing him with a mischievous grin. "Me? Never. Though I can't promise not to ruffle a few Elven feathers along the way."

Khellan's laughter rang out, a sound that always reminded me of summer storms. His gaze then shifted to Aine, and the air between them seemed to crackle with unspoken words.

"Take care of her, Lady Aine," he said softly, his eyes never leaving hers. "She has a talent for finding trouble, as you well know."

Aine nodded, a faint blush coloring her cheeks. "I'll do my best, my Lord. Though sometimes I think it's trouble that finds her."

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