・.・✫Nine ✓

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୨⎯ Chapter 9⎯୧
"Echos of Sorrow"

୨⎯ Chapter 9⎯୧"Echos of Sorrow"

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THE MIDDAY sun filtered through the canopy above, casting shadows across the forest floor as I lay nestled in my makeshift bedroll.

Suddenly, Legolas's touch shattered my peace. "Liairse, wake up," his voice, tinged with urgency, pierced through the haze of sleep.

I blinked away the remnants of my daytime dreams, confusion clouding my thoughts as I surveyed the campsite. The absence of Merry, Pippin, and Sam's cheerful chatter was glaring.

"What's wrong?" I asked, my voice heavy with sleep.

Legolas's solemn gaze met mine. "We heard commotion in the distance. They must have gone to investigate."

My heart clenched with worry as Gimli's gruff voice confirmed my fears. "They're gone, lass. Took off in a hurry, they did."

"Gone? And you let them go alone?" I couldn't keep the accusation from my voice.

Legolas's expression was grave as he nodded. "We didn't have much choice. By the time we noticed they were gone, they were already out of sight."

Determination surged within me as I rose to my feet. "We need to find them. Now," I declared, my voice firm with resolve.

Legolas nodded in agreement. "I'll take point. Gimli, stay close to Liairse."

"Aye, I'll keep an eye on her," Gimli replied, his stout figure a reassuring presence at my side.

As we arrived at the scene, my heart clenched with dread. Legolas' gaze, filled with sorrow, fell upon Aragorn and Boromir, one knelt down and the other laying motionless. The sight pierced me to the core, and my eyes stung with unshed tears. Beside me, Gimli bowed his head, his stout frame trembling with emotion.

"What happened?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

Aragorn's expression softened, a fleeting shadow of sorrow passing over his features. "We were ambushed by Orcs," he explained, his voice tinged with regret. "Boromir... he defended us bravely, but we were outnumbered."

Legolas, his eyes still fixed on the spot where Boromir had fallen, spoke solemnly. "He fought until his last breath."

A heavy silence descended upon us as we stood in quiet memorial. But even in our sorrow, there was a silent determination, a want to honor Boromir's sacrifice and continue the quest he had dedicated his life to.

"Come," I said, pushing a brave face on as I wiped my remaining tears. "We must lay him to rest."

As we gathered at the edge of the roaring falls of Rauros, Boromir lay upon the boat. His sword rested beside him, while his shield stood above his head.

Aragorn stood beside the boat, his face filled with grief. Gimli watched in silence as the boat was gently pushed into the swift current of the river.

With a prayer on our lips and heavy hearts, we watched as the boat slipped over the precipice, disappearing into the swirling mists below.

But quickly Legolas' urgent voice cut through the silence. "Hurry! Frodo and Sam have reached the eastern shore."

Aragorn remained still, his silence heavy with contemplation.

"You mean not to follow them?" Legolas pressed, his concern evident in his tone.

"Frodo's fate is no longer in our hands," Aragorn replied solemnly.

Gimli's frustration boiled over, his voice thick with despair. "Then it has all been in vain! The Fellowship has failed."

But Aragorn placed a comforting hand on our shoulders. "Not if we hold true to each other," he declared, his voice steady. "We will not abandon Merry and Pippin to torment and death. Not while we have strength left. Leave all that can be spared behind. We travel light. Let's hunt some orc!"

Legolas and Gimli shared a knowing look before breaking into matching grins of their own.

I stepped forward, my voice ringing out with determination. "We'll bring them home. Let's go kick some Orc ass!" I shouted with glee.

Without hesitation, Aragorn charged into the woods, his resolve unwavering. We all quickly followed in his footsteps, making our way through the dark woods.

We were the last remnants of the Fellowship, bound by friendship, loyalty, and a shared purpose. And together, we would see this through to the bitter end.



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