Part 3: horny drunken mess

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It was 1:30 in the morning... and Rennie was still in bed. No videos planned, no meals planned with Tommy... nothing.
"Fuck" she said to herself, extending the u.
"I really need to get my shit together."

Rennie was doing her usual. Just lying in bed, internet-stalking her embarrassing celebrity crush and humming to herself. A song she couldn't exactly pin point. After a considerable chunk of seconds she concluded it was Slow Down. Wow. That song was shit, but the melody kinda fucked... as James Marriott would say. He really was all she could think about.

~time skip~

After a considerable amount of time just laying in bed, Rennie was sat at her table, scrolling through the edits of herself that had been made since her last upload with the gang. Why cant they all just thirst over her other friends?! Probably more attractive and funny than she'll ever be.

More and more edits where being made. With some particularly graphic ones.
"How the fuck can someone even get off to just my voice?"
She questioned. Shuddering st the thought.

A notification from Tommy interrupted her train of thought.


Oi wanna eat dinner with me tonight, just like old times

                              Yes Ofc shithead lemme get myself together and I'll pick you up. Im paying for myself though. No mid century bullshit.


Not like id pay anyway bitch xx

Rennie audibly chuckled at the WhatsApp conversation. She loved how they could make fun of each-other in a completely playful and platonic way. She didn't know what she'd do without Tom supporting her, putting hid arm around her in times of need... he really was her saviour.


Tom sat, staring at his messages with Rennie, or Rena, as he nicknamed  her affectionately, all those years ago.

When they first met, Tommy was in love. Deeply in love with her. Her everything, from her laugh to the way she positions the rings on her fingers. Everything. He thought she was flawless.

But after years of knowing her, that romantic love disappeared, and just left trust and affection. No more feelings, at least he thought.

He has a girlfriend, for fuck sake! And potential resurfacing feelings for his best friend of 15 years cannot ruin how much he loves Molly. And they never will.

Tommy had excepted the fact that the small sliver of male attraction she had in her bisexuality was not him. And some other guy, or most likely girl would be lucky enough to touch her as he wanted to for years on end.
(They are both 26)

Tom was worried about his best friend. She had isolated herself more than usual these past few months, and when he did convince Rena to bring him back to her flat, the walls where plastered with pictures. Not pictures of nature, not pictures of a band, no. Just images and images of James Marriott. He sigh recalling this information.

It was clear James was her type. His best friend had a crush on his other best friend. And Tom is clearly the polar opposite of James. So clearly there was no hope for him.
He jumped, suddenly. Notifications from Molly. Fuck. Molly. This isn't fair on his girlfriend at all. These feelings will slowly fade away like it did last time. And the time before that.

At least he hoped.

~time skip~


Later that evening, Rennie had picked up Tom from his rather ginormous house a-few miles from hers, and they where sat in a fairly normal-looking Piccalinos. A restaurant chain both Tom and Rennie adored. Though this time there was an awkward silence between to two. Maybe its the fault of Toms re-emerging feeling for her, or the increase in Rennie's social anxiety since the last time she went out with a friend in public. She was always petrified someone would recognise her voice. And her cover would be blown.

But as the night went on, they became more open with each other. And before long they had caught up completely... with Rennie being sober, as a non-drinker. And Tom Being absolutely wasted by the end of the night. But nonetheless Rennie had an amazing time.

That amazing night would come to an abrupt end. As Tom made a drunken mistake. Which threatened their long and meaningful friendship. And could potentially end everything they had for years...

"What the fuck. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?"
Rennie screamed. Somehow her and Tommy had found themselves at a bar. And Tom was becoming more and more drunk as the minutes crept by. With Rennie, of course, being completely sober.

"I...I don't know w...why your... doing that, Rena.." Tommy slurred out. Clearly so drunk he could stand up straight.

"you don't know why?!" She screamed.
Rennie couldn't believe this was happening.

Tommy just looked at the ground. Swaying and sweating in the heat of the late-night bar. She really hoped no one recognised him. That would be an interesting reason to trend on Twitter. (I refuse to call it X)

She sigh and took Toms hand. Grabbing her drink from the table in the process. Dragging him out the Door and into the cold, salty air of Brighton. This was all a mistake. Just a horny, drunken mess. He was off his tits drunk, obviously. And there's no way he'd remember this in the morning. No way in hell.

Rennie looked down at her phone to check the time. She had an email. But not just any email, it was from work. And she was being asked to record the guitar for a group who where planning to go on tour. She'd be paid around £230, ($292) but it's not about the money, as she wondered a-few days prior. It's about putting her talent to good use.

She grinned for a second, exited to record. But her happiness was cut short by the remembrance of that had just happened regarding her best friend.

Tom couldn't even talk he was so drunk. And when she dropped him off at his house, locked the door and finally sat alone in her Audi R8. With its custom license plate. Only then could she process what the fuck had happened.
(Anyone got 'the fall' reference?!)
She comforted herself with the idea this was nothing more than a big, horny, drunken mess.
1084 words

I'm re-reading this and the writing improves so much throughout the story haha

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