Part 6: a post-nap state

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Rennie's POV

It had been around a week since meeting James. And her feelings for him had expanded exponentially. Rennie had no clue why he had offered her a place on the tour. No clue all.
The only thing she'd done was play a-few songs, screamed at him, and knocked him to the ground.

Rennie blushed, sitting cross- legged on her sofa. Remembering what it felt like to be so close to him. Her legs around his hips. Hands in his hair, staring into his eyes. And his cock growing hard, with the unexpected body contact they hand endured. Tempted to, in the moment, lay closer to his face and kiss him. Right there, as strangers outside a Tescos Local.

Her head lay back against the wall behind her sofa, as she scrolled through Netflix on her rather old, malfunctioning TV. Eventually she landed on some random series about metal detectors. This would have to do.

Rennie woke up from her unexpected nap due to three sharp knocks on her apartment door. The Netflix show still playing on in the background. Must be the post, though she didn't order anything. Strange.

This was one of the necessary social activities she absolutely loathed. Hating how a stranger can see she was living alone. And what she looked like.

With a brisk exhale, she dragged herself off the comfort of her sofa, and towards the door.
Fumbling with the mess of keys she had stored on a dish, Rennie opened the door. Revealing, yeah... you guessed it,


Her eyes widened as she stared up at him in surprise, it was in that moment she remembered, in regret (or wegret... stream bit reference) that she had mentioned the floor she lives in as they where talking on the way to his house. Her thoughts changed from past memories to the very recent, post-nap state was in.

If she knew her potential soulmate would turn up at her apartment, she'd spend hours trying to make herself look half decent.
In the hope he would see her in a way which was even mildly attractive.
But maybe that was to far fetched.

They had now been silent for around 15 rather awkward seconds.

"Umm, Rennie? You good?" He asked, looking rather concerned, expecting her to have been welcoming as soon as she opened the door.

Rennie was slightly lost for words

"Ok, fuck... hi! Forgot I gave you my address, I was just a little shocked to see your face."
Rennie said, then wegretting her choice of words.

"Ohhh... i get it. Because im too damn gorgeous" James joked,
desperately attempting to lighten the mood, as he leant against her door frame, hinting that he wanted to be invited inside.

Rennie got the hint.

"Well now your here you might as well come inside, gorgeous." She laughed, playing along with his joke, but secretly meaning every word.

As he walked into Rennie's apartment, alarm bells started ringing in her head.
Oh fuck.
She forgot.

She forgot about the pictures of him above her bedroom wall, and worst of all. Her setup, and the logo for her YouTube channel above her desk, everything that could give away her identity. It was here.

As James sat down on the sofa she had previously curled up on, Rennie Discreetly closed her bedroom door, praying that he wouldn't ask for a tour.

Rennie made her way back to the living room, and towards where her unsuspecting crush, who was sat on the sofa, looking at the show she had been previously watching.

"Wow, interesting choice of Netflix series. Personally, im more of a true crime sorta guy."

"Stoppp" Rennie said, smiling snd rolling her eyes, warming up to the conversation.

"I chose it as background noise when I had a nap, and I forgot to turn it off when you arrived" she explained.

"Ahhh, thats why you looked so cozy, I woke you up" James giggled, as Rennie went red, adoring how he had payed attention to how she looked. Even if it was a quite unflattering state.

As they warmed up to each other, more snd more conversations started. Each one being more random and entertaining than the next.

"OK OK" James started saying,
"You know how the genie from Aladdin can shapeshift and shit...?"

Rennie nods. Slightly scared about what's going to be coming out of his mouth.

"Does that mean... technically..."
James says, dragging out the question.

"Go on..." Rennie prompted.

"He can give himself a humongous cock?"
James asked. Though repressed laughter.

"and im talking a giant, limb qualifying schlong."
"Could knock a man out in seconds."

Rennie couldn't hold back her laughter.
She loved this man with her whole heart,
Though all him strange little quirks.

"Absolutely." She answered. Practically rolling off the sofa laughing.

"Ima need to get me a genie..." James said.
Semi serious.
Both of them where pissing themselves laughing.
(Aww like James the cute lil piss boy)

This was going to become a fun night.

~time skip~


James was so happy he decided to stop by.
Looking at her smile just made him melt.
It was even better when she laughed. The sound of her happiness echoing through the room, making him feel like he belonged with her forever.

After hours of talking, ordering food, and getting even closer to the real Rennie, the had decided to put on a film.

And that had gotten him into the situation he was in now. The film had ended, and Rennie was curled up to him. Head resting on his shoulder, legs tucked around his and hands around his waist.
Just like how her arms had gripped James's midsection in his dream.

To be honest, James didn't know what to do
If he had the choice, he would snuggle up to her closer, satisfying the need of smelling her shampoo, and falling asleep with Rennie resting in his arms. But sadly, he didn't have the choice.

So James picked her up, bridal style, with Rennie awaking slightly, before resting back in his arms. Her hands gripping his neck for support.

James brushed off this show of affection, telling himself she was simply tired.

He carried her to that he assumed was a spare room. Directly opposite the door she had suspiciously closed, before James could take a look at what's inside.

He lay Rennie down in the far end of a double bed, and started walking away, planning to go home and most likely, wank off to the faint remanence of her touch around his waist.

But Rennie had other ideas.

As he tiptoed away, James could feel a slight tug on his shirt. And a faint voice.

"Stay." She whispered. In an almost unconscious state. And James didn't need to be asked twice.

He Lay beside Rennie, shy to move any closer to her, as to make her uncomfortable. Rennie could see this, even in her half asleep state, and moved herself back. Closer to James, so he could wrap his arms around her waist. Pulling himself closer so eventually, he'd be spooning her as they drifted off to sleep in the late afternoon.

1200 words

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